She waits quietly for his response. Her mind muses what wild could mean. Was it a state of mind? An unbridled freedom that tied one to no one place or thing. If so then wild is all she has ever been and all she has ever known.
"I see," she says simply and with mild understanding. Her previous musings come back to her, and she only assumes this is what he had meant. She could see in his eyes, in his demeanor that he was not a wild creature like so many she has met before. This world was full of wicked, evil beings and wild ones alike. She has met many in her time here. Some very recently. She has been broken time and time again, each time she got up and fought harder. Fought for a tameness, if that was a term. She thinks of her recent encounter here and of the faint words she had heard before blacking out. He would be back for her, for them, so she decides it best to not linger here any longer.
With a flicker of consciousness returning to her eyes, she rises her head to speak kindly, "Well Jack, I feel my welcome here at the Beach has worn out. What would you say to us wandering elsewhere to find someplace less wild?" There is a pause in her step for his reply before moving in a northern direction.
Not all that glitters is gold
@Jack in the Box