He had always been a simple sort, inclined to hermitage anywhere he could be fairly sure that he might not run into the infamous giver of his ability and soul-fragment Eir. It makes him less causal when something as grandiose and empowered by stuff [that in his time was yet the stuff of myth most of the time] as she was. She is striking on even a bodily scale - isabella palomino if she weren’t entirely white. Her mane is beautiful, her poise unrumpled by stumbling across a stranger in the forest.
He stops, suddenly recognizing from whence he’d spilled out onto the soil again. He can feel it more readily, the dust and dirt and leaf death that was coloring him now something closer to swamp muck than black-- his belly and chest were cleaner, the places that had not been a seat for dust and grime to settle most like his truer self. "My name is Myrna." She seems interested, the way her eyes scan him in small inches and sweeps now and then, but not in a way that inclines him to rudeness or silence. "It is good to meet you, Myrna. I am Judas, usually of the Neutral Meadow but I did spend some time at the helm of Dangerous Island and Wildflower Plateau."
Of course, he naturally inclined his head, respect and politeness always the best means of remaining out in the world unmolested by troublemakers. There are few who cared to meddle with those without true power - and he was inclined to believe things like that rarely changed, if ever.
"This is an old world. My mother said hundreds of years. I live in a place called the Gates. I hear it is like Heaven’s Gates, but those lands were swallowed long before I was born and rose again." He actually perks his head at the initial belief that she was of Heaven’s Gates - looking hopeful until she confessed that the old Gates he had known was not to be the one he ventured out to find again. His ears, so newly perked, settle back again into his mane and his golden eyes drop from her beautiful self for the first time since she’d arrived. "Eir, you did not tell me that even the oldest of the kingdoms would have fallen." The great eagle shrinks, settles its feathers and looks at the stallion with a little hardness but more pity now than before. "You left for too long, nothing may be as it was any longer… Perhaps even Carnage himself was swallowed up and you can at least wander at your own leisure."
"Do not speak that name." She slice of golden stallion eyes to the bird and the birds quick posture adjustment spoke volumes enough to need no deeper explanation. Instead, he slowly turns his attention back to the mare who had found him so new from his emergence, eyes softening in steps as he was allowed to again admire her beauty. "I am sorry for my tone, it is a name that wholly incenses me. He is the reason for the ‘twins’ we would appear to be." He shook himself, then, as the dirty sensation rises again and he realized what he must look like to this shining being before him.
"I am… not familiar with this world if even the Heaven’s Gates has been erased from it. Do you know where I might wash the eons of sleep from myself?"