04-23-2023, 04:06 PM
i can’t stop you putting roots in my dreamland,
my house of stone, your ivy grows, and now i’m covered in you
my house of stone, your ivy grows, and now i’m covered in you
She had survived, but she could not help but to wonder what kind of prize that was.
This land was beautiful but it was treacherous, and although she is not sure if it is worth the price, it is one she is forced to pay. She still could not seem to find her way out of here; it was as if the clouds themselves conspired to keep her here, twisting around her sense of direction so that no matter which way she flew she only ever stayed in Beqanna’s skies. Just as she had come here by accident, she reluctantly has come to accept that it would likely be another stroke of luck that allowed her to leave.
She would like it here, she thinks, if only she ever had a chance to adjust. If only the land did not constantly pitch itself in ways that caused it to come apart and change entirely, always turning into something unrecognizable. It left her nerves on edge, as if she could not afford to become comfortable with anything because it was going to change on any given day.
Tonight though, it is just rain.
Though she had eyed the skies suspiciously—was it ever ‘just rain’ here?—and the sound of thunder rolling overhead had tightened a knot of anxiety in her chest, she quieted her uneasy thoughts with the reassurance that it had rained and stormed here hundreds of times and it didn’t always indicate something awful was about to happen. Despite this, she made her way into the forest, seeking shelter from the cold drops that spilled from the autumn sky, the soft glow of her light trailing behind her.
She hears him walking through the brush just before he comes into sight, and immediately she shies to a stop. “Oh…sorry,” she says, her eyes wide as if she had been caught trespassing — and perhaps she has. The borders here are constantly changing, and to her everything felt like some secret the rest of the world was in on except her. Perhaps it was common knowledge that this area of forest belonged to the black stallion with gold cutting across his skin. “I was just trying to get out of the rain.”
This land was beautiful but it was treacherous, and although she is not sure if it is worth the price, it is one she is forced to pay. She still could not seem to find her way out of here; it was as if the clouds themselves conspired to keep her here, twisting around her sense of direction so that no matter which way she flew she only ever stayed in Beqanna’s skies. Just as she had come here by accident, she reluctantly has come to accept that it would likely be another stroke of luck that allowed her to leave.
She would like it here, she thinks, if only she ever had a chance to adjust. If only the land did not constantly pitch itself in ways that caused it to come apart and change entirely, always turning into something unrecognizable. It left her nerves on edge, as if she could not afford to become comfortable with anything because it was going to change on any given day.
Tonight though, it is just rain.
Though she had eyed the skies suspiciously—was it ever ‘just rain’ here?—and the sound of thunder rolling overhead had tightened a knot of anxiety in her chest, she quieted her uneasy thoughts with the reassurance that it had rained and stormed here hundreds of times and it didn’t always indicate something awful was about to happen. Despite this, she made her way into the forest, seeking shelter from the cold drops that spilled from the autumn sky, the soft glow of her light trailing behind her.
She hears him walking through the brush just before he comes into sight, and immediately she shies to a stop. “Oh…sorry,” she says, her eyes wide as if she had been caught trespassing — and perhaps she has. The borders here are constantly changing, and to her everything felt like some secret the rest of the world was in on except her. Perhaps it was common knowledge that this area of forest belonged to the black stallion with gold cutting across his skin. “I was just trying to get out of the rain.”