Nemeon had received an answer on the mountain, but left with a little more confusion. He had been so wrapped up in his thoughts that he had been frozen mid-stride by the first rays of the sun. There he remained throughout the day, oblivious to how sunlight had turned to cloud, and then cloud to a thunderstorm in the late afternoon that rolled across the mountains and drenched the land. A pair of sparrows took refuge in the fold of his wing, chirps echoing slightly against his stone skin.
It is hard to say who was more surprised - Nemeon or the sparrows - when the sun sets behind the thunderclouds and life returns to him. He balked first at the heavy rain and rolling thunder, and then at the feel of feathers tickling his side - and the small birds flew off squawking when his wing shifted and their haven was no more.
First bewildered into standing there stunned, and now growing colder by the moment as he became drenched, Nemeon made for the forest and the refuge it would provide from the storm that continued to clash angrily overhead.
Once underneath the trees that were showing signs of autumn, there was no space to stretch his wings and get the excess water off of them. The feel of the rivulets running across the membranes of them is distracting, almost ticklish, and it further feeds a disgruntled mood. He picks a direction and moves at a slow, brooding pace through the shadowy underbrush - forgetting, just for a moment, his quest and sitting instead in the discomfort that has started this evening.