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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    SUPER POWER FIGHT - any/all
    You see, winter had stopped bothering Tiberios some time ago. Its influence had lost its grip as soon as he’d fought his resurrected self and gained an eternal fire. Always warming him, always pressing against his bones to be free. Truth was, he’d never pushed the limits of his power, mainly because he’d never felt the need to. There had never been a moment in time where he felt he needed it - even though it was a muscle he could easily flex. He’d come across other horses who could wield flame, seen how their orange tendrils had wove and risen along their bodies. He admired them, but he could not relate. His own flame, a white heat at the center ringed in pale blue, radiated a devilish warmth that was too dangerous to play around with.

    That didn’t mean he kept it hidden. As he traversed the meadow the flame ran rampant, circling his neck and dancing along the golden blaze that covered his face. He laughed, because even as he controlled it the flame took a life of its own. Though the gift had taken much (this was obvious by the marring of his body) it had also given in return. It had given him Shatter, it had given him purpose, and it had given him renewed life. The flame was all his own to command, but he never pressed it to bend to his will. Over time, Tiberios liked to think of his gift as his companion.

    As sincere as his thoughts were getting, they were interrupted rather rudely. An enormous, resounding crack ricochets through his body and sends the meadow into turmoil, ripping the very soil in half. Tiberios turns, eyes wide as he views ice erupt from the ground to raise a lone horse above the others.

    Instantaneously, Tiberios is pissed.

    He’d hated show-offs since his run with the magician, and this horse looked no different. Puffed up like some grand bird on his pedestal, he peers down among the others and smirks. Tiberios is not impressed. Instead, he feels the fire screaming within, and for the first time in a long time, he agrees. No more playing around. His body spontaneously combusts, the white wildfire completely consuming him. He’s not burnt - in fact, he’s smiling right along with the ice-horse. His own power rages, fanning out into a circle around him before rising in pillars. He’s ringed in unearthly fire, and he loves it.

    “Your mother never taught you manners, did she?” He calls out, stepping forward while the others disperse. The heat is so unnerving that the very ground begins to harden, turned to glass as if lightning has struck it. His ears fall, and his head tips to the side. “Someone needs to put you in your place.” The flame, enticed by his words, grows into a spiraling inferno and leaps out, touching the ice that the grey has created. Tiberios feels an adverse effect, screaming that rings in his mind and horrible images of Shatter flashing across his eyes. But he accepts it and cringes, watching the ice retreat with the new threat.

    If it was a show he wanted, it was a show he’d get.


    Messages In This Thread
    SUPER POWER FIGHT - any/all - by Belgarath - 09-21-2015, 03:40 PM
    RE: SUPER POWER FIGHT - any/all - by Tiberios - 09-21-2015, 07:50 PM
    RE: SUPER POWER FIGHT - any/all - by Joscelin - 09-24-2015, 01:44 PM
    RE: SUPER POWER FIGHT - any/all - by Lokii - 09-29-2015, 04:16 PM
    RE: SUPER POWER FIGHT - any/all - by Belgarath - 10-03-2015, 09:10 PM

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