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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  out in the dark, there burns a dream

    Family has always been a large part of Margot’s life. Even through the disasters in recent years, the fickle woman has always found comfort and solace in her parents’ company. No amount of catastrophe could make her forget her loyalty to her blood. Though it was not a simple childhood that she had—one often flavored with heroes and monsters alike—it was a good, easy childhood. One much like the life Eddie contemplates.

    Wholesome in its best moments, complicated in its worst; but love was resounding.

    Margot doesn’t think of her family now, though she often does. It is just that the riverbank does not remind her of her family like it might remind Eddie. She does not wear a melancholy face of remembrance nor trudge aimlessly across the damp, wet pebbles. She does step daintily into the water, splashing liquid against her hocks with an amusement that is somehow also extremely bored. 

    It takes Margot a few moments of childish kicking before she is truly bored; and when she looks up she is surprised to see a stranger giving the riverbank a forlorn stare. When he moves up the slope, Margot breaks into a curious trot after him.

    “Hey!” she calls, a hesitant smile lighting up her face.

    When she finally draws close, all that love he holds makes her skin prickle. Margot draws in a surprised breath, pupils quickly dilating and then drawing back to their natural size. Margot feels nearly intoxicated as she falls endlessly into the stallion’s warm heart.

    “Where are you going?” she finally asks after an awkward beat. The words tumble clumsily out of her mouth. Margot can’t resist attempting to draw closer, longing to curl into his tenderness like a purring cat.

    “I’m . . . Margot,” she continues, only barely remembering her manners.


    Messages In This Thread
    out in the dark, there burns a dream - by eddie - 03-14-2023, 12:56 PM
    RE: out in the dark, there burns a dream - by margot - 03-23-2023, 12:49 PM

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