08-01-2022, 09:01 PM
Malik knows the names of his uncles. Of some of them, anyway, the ones that Mazikeen had told him of, and the ones that Bolder remembered. There were many of them, many more than there were aunts, of that he is sure. IF asked to remember now, he’d only be able to recall half of those he’d known. The family that matters to him is the family in Hyaline.
And the one blue sister that he cannot find, the one whose brindle stripes are the same iridescent blue that adorn this pale stranger’s skin.
His gaze turns to the place the starlight creature (her Companion, he seems to have wrongly assumed) had been standing. Instead, he finds his own face looking back at him. His expression remains curious, and beyond a startled blink of his mismatched eyes, the black horse gives no indication of surprise at this replica of himself.
Magic - his own and that of others - is as much a part of Malik’s world as the earth beneath his hooves, and while he’s never seen a trick quite like this one, he finds the novelty intriguing, and turns his gaze back to reassess the bejeweled mare as she says his name rather than offering her own. He waits, noting that her eyes have strayed to his horns. For a moment, he considers shifting some small parts of his face, just enough that her replica will be off, but decides against it just as she asks the Question.
“A storm.” He answers. “Nearly everything’s gone. No one seems to know why.”
And the one blue sister that he cannot find, the one whose brindle stripes are the same iridescent blue that adorn this pale stranger’s skin.
His gaze turns to the place the starlight creature (her Companion, he seems to have wrongly assumed) had been standing. Instead, he finds his own face looking back at him. His expression remains curious, and beyond a startled blink of his mismatched eyes, the black horse gives no indication of surprise at this replica of himself.
Magic - his own and that of others - is as much a part of Malik’s world as the earth beneath his hooves, and while he’s never seen a trick quite like this one, he finds the novelty intriguing, and turns his gaze back to reassess the bejeweled mare as she says his name rather than offering her own. He waits, noting that her eyes have strayed to his horns. For a moment, he considers shifting some small parts of his face, just enough that her replica will be off, but decides against it just as she asks the Question.
“A storm.” He answers. “Nearly everything’s gone. No one seems to know why.”