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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    [private]  open up your heart like the gates of hell
    Prayer and Thorn never raised Claudius to prepare for official kingdom life, a difference stark between he and the stranger; but the juxtaposition between the pair is almost comical. He, growing up youthful and wild and dark, more eloquent in conversation than she; and she, raised to be regal and observant and polite, more eager and recklessly curious than he. If the chestnut man were to recognize their differences, he’d appreciate Areane even more.

    “Yes,” Claudius answers, chest swelling with pride. His mother used to call him the heart of Tephra for how much more fiercely he loved after every negative interaction with his father. Claudius never believed himself to be the heart of anything, but he did believe himself to be worthy of all the love that made him strong.

    He is like the dawn or the dusk, a beautiful clashing of light and dark. Fear and hope. The shivering sense of accomplishment after enduring a storm. The withering exhaustion when one has faced all that they can. Claudius strives to embody all that is good and all that is bad, but refuses to allow the bad a single victory. Areane reminds him of that light he longs to let win, enthusiasm and stars both.

    It’s almost certain that arrogance is one of Claudius’ flaws. Too prideful and perhaps guarded.

    Areane wouldn’t know that, no—not based on the way he smiles openly at her answers. His heart thunders in his chest and he blinks those calm, pale eyes.

    “You do look like her, then,” Claudius answers simply. “I’m sure your light rivals the stars in the sky.” He truly believes that, for how could someone able to convince the stars to follow her not be greater than the night?

    “Exploration,” he says, his grin almost shy. “I love Tephra but I love my curiosity even more. There isn’t much known about the Ruins or the ocean kingdom. Perhaps I can discover more.” Claudius pauses, shaking out his coat and making his way toward the shore.

    “What about you, Areane? What brings you here? Do you also love to explore?” he calls over his shoulder, salt water glittering down his hide.


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    RE: open up your heart like the gates of hell - by claudius - 03-08-2022, 01:09 PM

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