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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  my bad habits lead to you

    If Aela had known that Nashua expressed such distrust towards Reave, it would have made her smile. Even better, she would have told her half-sibling. What would Nash condone but the dull and ordinary? He would have reveled in the quiet, and that was all the more reason for Aela to detest it.

    Her head lifts as she watches the Guardian’s lips quirk, and her own lift in reply. ”Fill me in on the gossip,” comes Aela’s reply. Those blue eyes fix on the mischievous glint in Reave’s and for the first time since arriving in the North, the restlessness in her soul begins to find direction. She was working with Cheri and Obscene, she often reminded herself, and it did no good to antagonize them. Wherewolf was another that she reminded herself to tread carefully with.

    The golden days in the Pampas where she had free reign to do as she pleased were over; being forced to restrain her ambitions (for now) beneath the long shadows of Taiga’s trees was a constant reminder of that.

    ”I think Cheri is taking care of that particular issue,” Aela clarifies. ”But you're always welcome for a visit,” she adds, as if reading Reave’s thoughts on the matter. Obscene and Reave seemed to get along well enough; perhaps the King of the North could persuade the Taigan leader to lean more towards the route of chaos that they both enjoyed. Her smile continues to grow at the thought.

    Until Reave mentions how cozy they all seem and then Aela scoffs.

    ”Why do you think I picked a cave up here?”


    Messages In This Thread
    my bad habits lead to you - by Aela - 02-27-2022, 02:15 PM
    RE: my bad habits lead to you - by Reave - 02-28-2022, 11:01 AM
    RE: my bad habits lead to you - by Aela - 03-04-2022, 01:35 PM
    RE: my bad habits lead to you - by Reave - 03-07-2022, 09:54 AM
    RE: my bad habits lead to you - by Aela - 03-07-2022, 02:40 PM
    RE: my bad habits lead to you - by Reave - 03-08-2022, 09:40 AM
    RE: my bad habits lead to you - by Aela - 03-12-2022, 09:09 PM
    RE: my bad habits lead to you - by Reave - 03-15-2022, 09:36 AM
    RE: my bad habits lead to you - by Aela - 03-17-2022, 03:21 PM
    RE: my bad habits lead to you - by Reave - 03-22-2022, 09:55 AM
    RE: my bad habits lead to you - by Aela - 03-27-2022, 02:23 PM

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