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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  I'm no sweet dream but I'm one hell of a night: Star pony

    Surprisingly she shares the golden woman’s sentiments. It had been disappointing but expected. Not many were willing to approach you, prey or predator, when escorted by a living skeletal nightmare who wouldn’t think twice about delving into your hearts desire and using it to destroy you. To be honest, just being in the company of another that wasn’t him was thrilling. Her run-ins with strangers were few and far between since she had been drawn beneath her Uncle’s wing. Her interactions were chosen specifically by him for the purpose of her training. None of them still lived to speak of it.

    Her change in tactic seems to work as Aela slows her pace to look over at her with curiosity. It’s even better than what she had expected, the other providing information without her needing to coax it from her. She knew some of what had happened after the Reckoning thanks to her mentor, enough to pass through this new world of Beqanna without appearing like a complete idiot. She knew the name of the lands that had risen when the ones she had known had fallen. She knew, specifically, about the South as that was where her targets had last been seen. As for current political standings, this was information she would have to collect herself.

    The Eclipse sparks her interest and she is about to inquiry more about it until Aela proceeds with unwelcome news. A flash of anger sparks like lightning in the storm-gray iris’s but she is quick to look away as if overwhelmed by such things. Unaware of course that her new companion will be able to see it regardless if she’s looking at her or not. “How terrible." She breathes out, not meaning it at all and already wondering if what she seeked had yet again been stolen from her.

    As the palomino asks what she recalls, the jaguar mare looks at her as if thinking. And she is... But not of what she last remembered of this place. Instead she’s wondering why she suddenly feels curious, eager even, to share something with her. It seems out of place with her current objectives. It doesn’t feel like it’s her own. It makes her grin suddenly at the other, that curiosity now directed at her. “It was a very long time ago.” She says with a shrug of her slender spotted shoulder, the memories of her life before the Reckoning hazy at best. She recalls living in the meadow (one of the few places that hadn’t been lost or rebuilt into something new) where she had been born. She recalls the jungle her mother and little sister had ruled, the few times she had visited. Tantalize had wanted her to become an Amazon too and perhaps she would have done well there beneath that structure. She had the aptitude for it. She could have been great. But Vindictive cared little for rules and discipline and shared her Uncle’s darker tastes for chaos.

    "This forest wasn’t here though.” She says, glancing at the thick tree canopy with open interest. “You said a kingdom fell to the sea… How?” She easily redirects the conversation from herself back to what she truly wants to know, determined to pry as much information from her as she can just as she directs that curiosity into discovering what exactly was walking alongside her.


    Seeing red again


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    RE: I'm no sweet dream but I'm one hell of a night: Star pony - by Vindictive - 03-07-2022, 01:16 PM

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