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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [mature]  There's a voice and its trying to drag me down

    I see us written in the Stars

    Cheri was hyper aware of him. She sensed his pulse, thudding under the dark, inky pelt he wore. The way he smelled like warm, earthy spice. How his lips twitched when he spoke.

    Obscene had always been an especially attractive stallion, before the body modifications and magic. He was built like a powerhouse, spoke like a god, but walked with the air of a noble. A deadly combination. For being born a mortal horse, there was no question that wherever he went eyes were drawn in his direction.

    She’d been the ghost of a young filly when they first met. Nothing more. She’d laid eyes on him in the meadow, under the eclipse, and that was all it took. He was twice her size, ten times more confident, and she never forgot how accurately he cut through her defenses. She’d never been so furious.

    She’d never been so amorous.

    It would take her years of waking up from feverish dreams to realize how deeply he’d cut her that day. In one fell swoop, Obscene had plunged right to the core of her being and plucked something out for himself, stealing it away. Her life’s mission since then had been to return the favor.

    I cannot, he smirked.
    Finally, she exhaled.

    His head was rising toward her, but Cheri was already floating, gliding down to meet him. Did he really think she would wait any longer? There was mischief in his eyes, sparkling with something wholly forbidden that Cheri had always pined to take part in. Those eyes… Gods, the things they promised. She was tired of denying herself - of denying him - the fantasy any longer. In this world or the next, she would have Obscene for herself.

    I cannot, he whispered.

    She touched the earth again, planting herself firmly so her nose could roam over that smart mouth of his, and with the edges of her lips she snagged his cheek between her teeth for a brief second. Did he like that? She was curious, withdrawing. She gauged his reaction with a keen grin. Laughing, Cheri stepped aside and flicked an ear his way, tilting the pretty shape of her dark head in his direction.

    “Then tell me something else.” She demanded.

    The light from her wings shone behind her ears, haloing Obscene’s rugged features with a soft, nearly touchable gleam. Every speck of gold covering his face winked just for her. They were already close enough, but a sudden urge to do something drastic suddenly overcame the slender pegasus, and she had to resist the heatwave burning in her lungs. She thought of winding her legs through his, of pressing her narrow chest into the curve of his broad shoulder and leaning in. She’d tell him, I want you, Obscene, and he’d unburden all her troubles. It would be so easy to release all those pent up feelings. She was nearly there.

    Cheri found it hard to catch her breath, but somehow she managed. “You know what I want, Obscene.” Cheri could hardly talk. The dark felt like was pressing in on all sides, when all she wanted was him pressing all of her sides. “Say it.”

    If he said I love you, she might actually bite him.
    I love you was for siblings, for the times you wished a loved one goodbye. This was not their ‘I love you’, not if Cheri could help it.

    This was the moment he took what rightfully belonged to him, Prayers be damned.


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    RE: There's a voice and its trying to drag me down - by Cheri - 02-01-2022, 09:25 PM

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