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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  oh, there's a river that winds on forever


    Bolder’s voice, lowered intimately to share only with her, paired with his close proximity is intoxicating. She notices the scent of him for the first time ─ a hint of petrichor, a hint of floral ─  and she can only think to imagine that there is no possible way the rest of Hyaline smells just as good as him. Lillibet raises a brow in mock affront for a brief moment, pinning him with something akin to incredulity. “Oh, I owe you?” Her playfulness turns pensive as she takes a long moment in silence to blatantly inspect her companion. She hmmm’s as her gold-flecked gaze works the length of his neck, the broadness of his chest, his beautifully feathered wings, the golden stripes that cut between the impressive mahogany of his coat. “Ruggedly handsome or extremely charming?” the young woman muses as her face takes on a new seriousness.

    After a few moments, her golden gaze flicks to his silver one and hardly a moment passes before the corners of her lips twitch upward in that coquettish smirk once more. “But would you accept brilliantly vain?”

    She tucks her chin to her narrow chest for a quick moment, feigning sheepishness at providing the man before her with such a high compliment. When it passes and they’ve shifted their conversation to something with a bit more depth, Lillibet watches Bolder carefully from her sunspot as he explains why he’d left Taiga for Hyaline. She’s just about to ask who his aunt and uncle are when he begins to extend his wings. One of them cuts through the sun and the golden rays gleam against his feathers, most of them flawless. The other remains in the shadow, though is no less majestic than its counterpart. Lillibet’s nostrils flare at the scent of him as his feathered appendages reach out, the one swathed in sun dancing lightly against her pale skin for the quickest of moments before suddenly Bolder is wingless, that playful smirk still present on his handsome face as he turns to her.

    Very impressive,” she tells him flatly, despite the fact that she is, in actuality, impressed. “And what of you, Bolder? Could I turn you to smoldering?” It’s the most upfront she has ever been with such chemistry on the line; this banter with Bolder makes her feel heady. Powerful.

    More powerful, even, than the existence of her ethereal aura has ever granted her. Lillibet bats her eyes, their conversation shifting again as she brings up whatever secrets may lay within the confines of Hyaline, and the former Sylvan princess finds she quite enjoys this combination of flirtatious playfulness and serious inquiry. It’s fulfilling in a way she hadn’t ever expected, borne of a simple lingering gaze the first time they’d met.

    “I’ve not been back. I’m not sure I plan to return there anytime soon.” She pauses and bites at the inside of her cheek for a brief moment before admitting, “It makes me feel bitter.” She decides to lay the seed then, remembering something about Hyaline that her mother had taught her some time ago. “Pangea is one of Hyaline’s charges, yes? What do you think of it?”

    I do not want to move mountains;
    I want the mountains to see me coming
    and to crumble.


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    RE: oh, there's a river that winds on forever - by Lillibet - 01-26-2022, 07:18 PM

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