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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    a wise man knows himself a fool; Rhonan/any

    If Rhonan were any other horse, he might be annoyed at this stallion’s comment. But Rhonan, as it turns out, is Rhonan. And he’s basically thinking the exact same thing when after noticing this stallion literally start trickling away. Like goo. He’s fucking oozed like something out of a swamp, though the gold and white boy is pretty sure there are no swamps around the Valley. He’s been lurking, doing very little other than get in the way and learn the landscape. So, at least he is reasonably certain there are no swamps.

    But this stallion is something of a swamp thing. Thank god Rhonan’s not the only one falling apart with traits.

    The part that bothers Rhonan more than being told he had problems (he has so many problems, like seeing his dead friend, though no one else knows that one) is the fact that this stallion seems so very happy about that. Rhonan is not entirely sure what he’s supposed to make of this, and he takes another step away instinctively. He used to quiet Noah. Not this.

    He shakes his head slightly, at himself, tossing his pretty pretty princess mane, and then steps forward again. Stop being a shit, he reminds himself, though it’s futile, because he really is a shit. He doesn’t even have to try at it. “Yea, I think I’m supposed to teleport. But I just fucking fall through the shadows. I walk into one and bam.”

    He rolls his shoulder in a shrug, as if he doesn’t care. He mostly doesn’t, but one day he’s going to fall into a boiling pit of lava and that’s going to be that. “Rhonan,” he says, slightly more comfortable now that the other stallion has calmed down just slightly. Maybe all the Valley horses were insane. He’d fit right on it, if that’s the case. But maybe he needs to be surrounded by sane horses, lest he end up in white padded walls.

    “No little ball. I…yea. I dunno. Shit happened man. That’s what I know.” He can’t find the words to talk about that one. He can’t explain the world where he was king of his animal experiments, or the world where Beqanna burned and Noah died and the fact that Rhonan is still mildly convinced that this is just a dream. They are probably all dead already and they don’t even know. He can’t say how he voted away two horses he didn’t even know to be tortured by a demon for a year just because someone told him so.

    “Did a little ball turn you into um….goo? Are you goo?” This doesn’t sound rude (Rhonan has no filter for rude) or weird to him (nothing is weird to the boy with a thousand lives). He’s really just asking.


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    RE: a wise man knows himself a fool; Rhonan/any - by Rhonan - 09-17-2015, 03:51 PM

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