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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open quest]  violence for violence is the rule of beasts; ROUND II
    The crowd at the top of the mountain is large enough that it makes Tiasa uncomfortable and she keeps not-so-subtly shifting her position to stay away from them. It is difficult to divide her attention this way and maybe that’s why she’s surprised when she finds out that one of the stallions that had been here when she arrived is the one who had called them here. Her pink and turquoise eyes continue to flick over the others as she half-listens to the history lesson, thinking that if this is why they were called up here (for a lecture) it’s been a lot of stress for nothing.

    The topic shifts - thankfully - and enough of Tiasa’s curiosity is captured that she no longer considers just turning around and walking away. Or, at least, she doesn’t consider that until it becomes obvious that they’re expected to dig. A disgusted look passes across her silver face and she glances around at the strange and unique ways everyone is choosing to follow this direction.

    For a brief, wild moment Tiasa considers her ability to seduce either the one who had brought them all here or one of the others to do the work for her. But the things that such a task required (such as even a low-level enthusiasm for interactions of any kind) were not things that she had so she abandons this fantasy and with an exaggerated sigh, she enters the hole and shifts.

    It doesn’t occur to her to paw at the stones with her hooves and instead, she lowers to the ground and grows a great finned tail. It is slightly uncomfortable to wear this shape out of the water but this whole situation is uncomfortable so she barely notices.

    Using the muscles and the bulk of her tail, Tiasa does not so much as dig as she does move the stones and earth from one spot to another, pushing it out of the way.

    The entire time she’s frowning, glancing around her and not really paying attention. This is a mountain, after all, and it doesn’t seem likely that they’ll ever dig deep enough to get anywhere.

    She’s just in the middle of trying to figure out if she’s the prettiest one in this group when she falls. Her tail goes first - one swipe across the ground too many and suddenly there isn’t any more ground left. It’s almost like slipping off the edge of rocks into water except her heart lunges right up her throat because there is very clearly nothing beneath her. Tiasa’s eyes grow wide and wild and her hooves instinctively try to scramble for purchase but it’s no use - she cannot fight the gravity that has a hold of her and in another second she is twisting and tumbling downwards.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: violence for violence is the rule of beasts; ROUND II - by Tiasa - 11-20-2021, 10:34 AM

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