09-16-2015, 12:08 PM
But now the party is becoming much more fun as Warship joins them. Suggestions of who is to join him on this little excursion… Weed, Kushiel, Eerebor, and of course Cellar. Warship wishes to stay behind and although the Chamber ghost would like the General to be there, he understands that someone needs to hold the fort. With Killdare gone for who knows how long, someone has to stay behind. ”Pity you’ll miss out on all the fun.” The wolfish grin spreading across pale lips. But the best part is yet to come as they both suggest he takes the pair of kingdom wings. Well well. Isn’t that something. He immediately imagines what it would be like to swoop down on an unsuspecting horse from above. Oh yes. ”Now how can I turn down such a generous offer? I’ll gladly take the wings.” Of course he will. But back to the matter at hand. ”I’d rather take both Kushiel and Erebor for the obvious fire power but of course that’s if they are game for it. I’ll leave the Prince with you and seek the others out so we can go immediately.” He doesn’t want to waste anymore time, wants to strike while the iron is hot. ”And if we run into any trouble Warship, I can always send a raven.” He gestures to the bird on his back though he doubts it will be the only black bird that will accompany them on this trip. - - - - - |