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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [challenge] I love the trouble and the trouble loves me; Mazikeen
    He is not normally a patient creature, but for this, he had waited. Mazikeen’s recent visit had given him the last pieces he needed to put into place his plans however. He had told a few of his ambitions, though he had spared them the details. Of course, he hadn’t had the details to begin with, so it hadn’t truly been a choice. Now though - now he is ready.

    Or at least, as ready as he will ever be.

    As he crosses the border, delving into a copse of trees, he watches carefully, a faint smile lingering at the corners of his lips. He knows the alarm would have alerted the inhabitants of this land to his presence. There is one inhabitant in particular he wants to alert however. Hyaline’s ruler. The shapeshifting queen who had lost herself to a cursed creature.

    He should fear her anger, but he does not. Instead he hopes for it.

    Reave does not expect much to come from this initial foray. Perhaps luck would be on his side and his gambit would be successful. But given his inexperience with true battle, he would not bank on luck. He may have trained with his mother, but he is not fool enough to believe it would be enough. This is only the beginning.

    “Mazikeen.” He does not bellow, instead whispering her name into the wind. He’s not certain if she would hear it, but it hardly matters. If she does not appear, that will make this so much simpler. He sticks to the trees as he makes his way deeper, steps muffled against the leaf litter. The scent of wisteria, earthy soil, and clean, crisp water hang heavily in the air, the morning sun lingering quietly beyond the canopy with only a smattering of sparse clouds to block the brightness.

    “If you want to keep your stolen magic, come and stop me.”

    His voice is no louder than it had been when he spoke her name, the declaration offered only for the benefit of a woman who had once been something akin to a friend. He might have hesitated to call out that woman, but the one she has become? He would not hesitate for her.

    Still, at the end of the day, no matter who she once was or has now become, he has come to Hyaline with a purpose. To reclaim the magic his mother had won long ago. To reclaim Craft and Anatomy from this thieving land.


    - Reave is challenging for Craft and Anatomy’s entity, which is to come with him to Nerine if he wins.
    - Five days between posts.
    - Three rounds with one attack and one defense each.
    - Mazikeen or her champion will go first.

    Reave’s stats:
    Hybrid (tall, lean, warmblood-type build)
    Bone Armor (covers shoulders, barrel, hindquarters, head), Vision Manipulation, Empathic Echoes, Foresight, Immortality, Harpy Eagle Companion

    Messages In This Thread
    I love the trouble and the trouble loves me; Mazikeen - by Reave - 10-01-2021, 10:54 AM

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