He stood like a glaring statue as he watched the come-goers. Some were stern in their appearance, some almost preppy, but none matched what he desires. Sure, he could pluck up some stupid mare and twist her until she broke, but where is the fun in that? Who will fight against him? Does anyone deserve to be in his company? That is something that is earned, though he could give out some bites for free.
Then he saw her.
He could spot her from a mile away. Her emerald coat is polar opposite of the dead looking hides that wander through the meadow. With white points and mismatched eyes, he is unsure whether she is beautiful or ugly. That depends on her and what she has to offer. There is more to beauty then the skin that stretches across bones and flesh.
Without moving, he watched her approach and throw out words. She came close, almost too close, but her perfume kept him from backing his large frame away. He breathed it in deep, letting it linger in his nostrils. A smirk played on his lips, head rising to heighten his already staggering height. She is nothing compared to him. He let the silence envelope them before finally flicking his ears back and frowning.
"Some insects are helpful. These things, they are already dead. Animated bags of bones and blood just waiting to be popped."
Within his gruff voice, there was a touch of madness. A deep chuckle shook his frame and he stomped a heavy hoof. Turning to her, he listened to her lyrical words. A place of total destruction? The thought was tempting, almost too tempting. The stallion though, he prefers solitude, his only company being whatever poor soul had wandered into his trap that day. The potential to make his name land-wide beckoned the stallion to close the gap between him and this strange mare. He lowered his profile, his breath in her ear.
"You would invite a stranger into your company to travel to a land known for it's destructive power? Tell me, what makes you think you will be safe with me in your midst?"
you better get the coffins out
trust me kid that's where you're sleeping tonight