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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    well I've got thick skin and an elastic heart [Demian]
    i scrounge in the dark, digging up old memories of you and me
    Demian had always been surprised when he found those who had never been to the valley. Especially when they had been or were a part of kingdoms that had close related ties or histories with the valley. Though Tantalize being queen at one point could certainly make things much more understandable. He had grown quickly to understand how the responsibilities of a ruling could take up ones time in ways that prevented one from traveling to all the corners of Beqanna. Ever since the leopard spotted man had taken on the role as the valley's king his days had been filled with teaching and encouraging the valley's newest flock to be a success.

    It had become such a time consuming task that his wishes for travel to the other kingdoms had been forced to be put on hold and left to his keepers of the peace... As much as he knew it was their jobs, he sometimes wished he could go along with them. He enjoyed nothing more than traveling to new and unseen places. There was always so much to learn, so many new things to see and discover and his free spirit constantly craved for it all. "Can you now?" his voice is full of amusement but is serious all at once. He hadn't met many others like him who had chosen the life of shadows for a good time. "What made you come out of your hiding place?"

    He watches as she moves closer, barely shifting just enough to lean away from her slightly as his wings rustled slightly at his sides. He was still not fully used to being in close proximity of others. He watched as she inspected the markings, so similar to her own before nodding slightly. "It's nice to meet you Tantalize." It's her laugh that pulls him out of his unblinking stare as he watched her. The way it danced in the air with soft wisps of humour made his lips curl upwards in a smile and he contagiously chuckles in slight amusement. He couldn't say though if he knew if they were related. He knew nothing of Carnage and barely anything about his family line.

    "I wouldn't know. My father's name is Carnage, and my mother's name is Adalind. But And my aunt is Lea. Most of my family is very closely connected to the Tundra and the Dale. And I have an amazing amount of half siblings, but I couldn't possibly list them all." He rolls his shoulders in a slight shrug before smiling with a slight look of embarrassment. He knew it wasn't every day that one came across someone who hadn't cared enough to learn more about their family. You could say he hadn't cared, but really it just had never crossed his mind. He had always assumed he knew what he he needed to know and so there had never been any desire to delve further into the subject. "Do any of them sound familiar?"



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    RE: well I've got thick skin and an elastic heart [Demian] - by demian - 09-15-2015, 04:52 PM

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