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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  i'll be back at it, bad habits die hard

    i hear the wicked get no rest, but when you do
    ---------- i hope you dream of me

    The smile Ryatah wears does not quite reach her eyes. Gale moves in closer, too close, and nearly runs his blue muzzle across the feathers of her wings. These he will rip off, he decides, and rip out the feathers to fall like snow. For now though, he pulls away and begins to circle her, considering.

    She is an angel. He’s not yet sure what that entails, but by the time he leaves the Riverlands he is certain he will. Healing, he thinks, and that ephemeral glow; wings and the incessant need to achieve martyrdom.

    The angel had saved Mazikeen from him once, and Gale means to be sure she does not have another chance to do so. He’s certain he can kill her, but he is not yet sure how difficult the task will be. Ryatah had been allowed to stay in Hyaline despite her lack of shifting, but Gale knows that the growing feral cat population in Hyaline is at least partially her fault.

    The touch of the Dark God on her no longer feels fresh though, and Gale wonders if Carnage will eventually come for him if he kills her. It would be worth it, he decides, to ensure that Mazikeen would remain dead once he’d finished with her.

    Still circling Ryatah, Gale has changed with each step, and by the time he stops in front of her, his equine shape is gone. Instead, he is something close to the quetzalcoatlus whose wings he often wears, with a scythe-like tail whose design he’d borrowed from Malik’s pet, Ripley.

    His head tilts curiously, the dim light shines on his elongated beak, long, pointed, and perfect for prying out a heart.

    “I’ve been looking forward to seeing you again.” He continues their earlier pleasantries, the words inaudible from his clicking beak and instead reaching her mind.


    Messages In This Thread
    i'll be back at it, bad habits die hard - by Gale - 09-12-2021, 10:38 PM
    RE: i'll be back at it, bad habits die hard - by Gale - 09-14-2021, 07:38 PM

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