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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  in your eyes, i see something to believe in; brinly
    She is glacial in some way he cannot yet name, except that her ice burns hotter than any fire he has ever encountered - hotter even than the one that left him marked and then healed again by an angel. At the surface he thinks he sees glimpses of something she is so schooled in hiding. The flash of ire and fury, her dark eyes a brand that scald him. But then in the next moment, he blinks, and she is someone else entirely, a painting of herself, one single captured moment frozen carefully and worn like a mask. He decides he must stop blinking, must miss nothing.

    “Sharing.” He confirms, and the venom in her voice stokes a heat in his silver eyes that he can only just barely keep reined in. She makes it impossible to be still, and yet to pace a circle around where she stands feels as though it would give away too much of this frustration smoldering inside him. So he pauses, though it feels like his bones might break with the effort, and settles the full weight of that burning silver gaze against her dark, furious face. “You are half right - certainly not an object as far as I can tell.” His eyes wander, but only to trace the pattern of muscle in her jaw and around her mouth, trace them for a subtle tightening of building frustration before returning to settle on her eyes again. “And half wrong. For an evening, you are mine. Or I am yours, if you prefer it. I have no objections to being hoarded.” He doesn’t mean to, doesn’t even realize he is capable of it, but there is a flare of near laughter in the silver resonance of his eyes, a deep curve in the line of his mouth as it lifts at the corner.

    He does not miss the way she holds herself though, the contained aggression, the implication of danger should he move any closer. But he does not see her fear, just her fury, and so he forgets to gentle himself to her, to be someone he is only ever just barely capable of being. He moves close enough that he can feel the heat radiating from her skin, close enough that he could reach out and touch his lips to the lines of muscle that jump along her cheeks as she frowns at him. But he is clever enough to realize that this heat is something more, that when he comes just mere millimeters from the brown of her shining skin, his own prickles uncomfortably. “A pleasure, Brinly.” He says, his voice something low as he takes a step back to drag his eyes from her skin and back to her delicate face again.

    His edges are even more indistinct when he steps back from her, and if he cared to stop and wonder why, he might realize it was a reflection of the sudden uneasiness taking hold inside his chest. “No,” he says, studying her a moment longer with eyes changing from silver to gold, “I am the dark. It is the light I grow weary of.” When he turns from her to look searchingly into the dark forest, it is only to get a sense of which direction it was that he stole her from. “However, I do believe I lied to you.” There is no remorse in his voice, no apology as he waits for her to come to him, wills her to from a place that is more need than arrogance. Maybe hers is a fire that warms him even at his darkest depths. “I think it may actually be a very long way back. My mistake.” There is not an ounce of shame in the subtle smile on his mouth as he glances back in the stardust dark to find her. “It seems I’ll be yours the entire night.”

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    RE: in your eyes, i see something to believe in; brinly - by Illum - 09-06-2021, 03:00 PM

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