Always watching, almost never interacting. This is how Zeik lives his life. It’s a personal choice, more than anything, because he can’t find it in himself to be bothered with whatever it was they were doing in the world down below. He had his own agenda to live by, and it’d been serving him well thus far. On blue-grey wings he drifts quietly down to the meadow, circling for a moment before finding a suitable hiding spot. The tall grasses obliterate him from view, as if he were just a normal falcon probably descending on prey, but in the blink of an eye there’s no longer a falcon anywhere, only a hearty blue roan on his belly in the grass. He blinks, finding it hard to adjust to his ‘normal’ body, but he rises up and stretches out his back before plodding away to find something to occupy his time.
There’s murmurs everywhere. Beqanna is an ever-changing world and the amount of gossip one can pick up just from passing phrases is almost shocking. But Zeik finds these things tarrying, almost disgusting. He can’t ever seem to associate himself with the others, or their miniscule spats. In fact, he often forgets that he is a horse, and not a creature of the air. So he bypasses them all until he thinks he’s reached the end of the whispers. Out here though, there’s two rather different creatures. One is a foal, still young but bright-eyed. She’s got a fascinating coat and a loud mouth. The other is a mare - stoic, but with intricate designs all along her body that glimmer and draw the roan in. How unusual.
“Ladies.” He calls, from some feet away. No need to push himself upon them and receive some sort of backlash. His eyes, a rather usual shade of mahogany, flicker to the elder mare. He’d caught her name, but he wasn’t quite sure if he wanted her to know his. “I’ve heard some fantastic things about your Jungle. Mind if I join in?” He flashes a quick smile to the filly, and waits for a reply.
Fly Free