I'm coming back again
I want to live tonight
Sometimes his appearance in his shifted form can cause panic and distrust in a stranger. However the white mare (so white she reminds him of newly fallen snow, untouched and pure) sparkles with magic and he’s found that those wrapped in mystical abilities rarely batted an eye when he switched from predator to horse. She absolutely falls into that category, offering a soft smile as she approaches him. It takes him a moment to realize that she has yet to blink and he tilts his head slightly as he observes her, revealing a glimpse of the claw marks beneath his flaxen forelock.
She is polite and much warmer than the things that hunt the shadows of Sylva and he finds himself relaxing in her presence despite her unnerving and unwavering gaze. ”Beyza.” He takes her name and stores it into memory. “A pleasure.” He means it, recalling some of his recent interactions as well as the gripping loneliness that awaited him back in the gold and red forest. He had enjoyed watching her dolphins flip behind her but they fade as a cool breeze sweeps over the sea towards them, a cooling touch against his damp skin. “If you don’t mind.” He says with an apologetic grin, following her lead whenever she makes for the shade.
As he falls into step beside her, his hooves sinking into the sand, he recalls her earlier question and rounds back to it. “As for two homes, I recently took over Sylva on behalf of the Southern Kingdom. But my mate and children still live in Loess.” He tells her, a whisper of sadness in his tone that gives away only a fragment of how much he truly misses them. It’s hard to be sad here though, when the sun shines so brightly and he’s standing in paradise himself with such interesting company. Unfortunate that it wasn’t Ischia he was sent to claim instead of the brutal history of Sylva but he supposes a polar bear could only last so long on a tropical island. “What about you? Do you live here with anyone?” He asks her, curious to what Beyza’s story might be. Did she ever feel isolated being so far from the mainland? He makes a point to ask her later, when it doesn’t feel like such an invasive question.
@ Beyza