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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  you just want to make this worse; any
    Normally, Cassiell was a more cautious sort -- the sort to watch and wait rather than simply crash into the shallows of a lake in the very heart of unknown territory. He wasn't a creature of whims. And yet here he was, having done just that, drawn here into this moment by the shimmering of the delicate filly before him as she stood there atop her tendrils of light.

    These golden sabinos were going to be the death of him.

    Intense, molten eyes catching against her green, he watched with an impassive sort of interest when he saw her own gaze harden. His ears flicked forward to catch her tone. 'I do not have parents,' she said, but what he heard was, 'No one wants me.' Of course, she could have meant for her words to be taken quite literally. Perhaps in this strange land that was laced through with the ever-present tang of magic, some foals simply came into being rather than being born in the traditional sense. Honestly, at this point, nothing would surprise him.

    Not even the sight of an orca of all things bobbing up to the surface there in the middle of this crystalline lake. He hadn't noticed the creature before, but he definitely noticed it now. Its sudden appearance was enough to drag his gaze away from the petite femme and her light, to see his golden eyes fixating upon the oddly colored whale instead. There was something about it that seemed... off, beyond the fact that it shouldn't be here in the first place, of course. His suspicions were soon confirmed when the creature disappeared from sight to then be replaced by a little colt, dripping water and looking none too pleased to see him.

    A single flick from one of his ears was the only outward sign of his mild surprise to the sudden change in the young one's appearance. Given the filly's own blase reaction, he could only assume that this was a perfectly normal sort of occurrence here. What an odd place.

    At the colt's demanding sort of question, the scarred stallion was brought back to the here and now, though, and his gaze burned through the russet-hued youngling as he looked down upon him. The other's protective demeanor was cute, almost to the point of being endearing. Almost. But as it was, a faint smirk ghosted across the edge of the brute's velveteen lips at the sight of it all before he rumbled forth a perhaps not-so-reassuring reassurance of: "Worry not, young one, I was just passing by when I noticed this one and decided to drop down to say hello." He nodded toward the filly with those words before he further added in his dark baritone to the young shapeshifter, "But I mean you no harm."

    It was a truthful enough statement, though only the gods knew if the little ones would believe him. He had no designs on posing a threat to anyone on this day. Besides trying to crush the foals -- which would be a supreme waste of potential if anyone bothered to ask him -- what could he do? Try to steal them? He had no lands to take them to. No alternative home to offer. But if he did... again, his eyes of molten ore shifted toward the gold sabino with her hard, emerald gaze and spicy, little spirit. If he had a place for her, there was one he would want. Without hesitation.


    When the filly spoke, declaring that he himself simply had questions, his former smirk returned to his muzzle with ease and he bobbed his great skull in response. "Indeed, she has the right of it," he agreed in his rumbling way, his voice like dark thunder roiling forth from deep within his chest with each word spoken. "I come from a land where magic is not so commonplace. It is all rather curious to me, your abilities." Though the majority of his little speech had been addressed toward the russet colt, his eyes found the filly again soon enough when he added for her in a slightly softer near-purr: "Though I would disagree with you on one point. The one where you said you were of no importance." Canting his head ever-so-slightly to the side, the midnight pegasus observed with all the quiet confidence of a truly self-assured individual, "Everyone has the potential to be someone important. And I see such potential burning inside of you, little one."


    temperance is a virtue

    Dark Pegasus by Tatiana Yamshanova used with permission.

    @Anath @bolder

    Messages In This Thread
    you just want to make this worse; any - by Anath - 08-24-2021, 10:00 PM
    RE: you just want to make this worse; any - by Cassiell - 08-29-2021, 01:05 PM

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