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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  I ran, I ran so far away

    Aela considers him carefully as her blue eyes trail over his larger, more statuesque shape.

    There are scars almost over every inch of him. They remind her briefly of Mazikeen - the Alpha of Hyaline - but there are more on the dark hide of the pegasus before her. He's been a fighter for a very long time, is what his scars tell her. The winged beast has spent a good portion of his life fighting, of not being idle, and that appeals to Aela because she has spent a good portion of her life being anything but that.

    He smirks at her, and Aela gives him the start of a simper.

    "Well," responds the slender palomino in a light, lilting tone. "I think it depends on what you're looking for."

    The winged stallion relaxes and if Aela were a kinder creature, she would have stayed to oblige him. But she had been looking for something, and the striped mare slows down for no one. The golden female took a step step through the golden meadow grasses that brushed against her and then glanced back to the pegasi. "Perhaps we might help each other," she murmurs, inclining her lovely head in an invitation to follow her. "I was looking for the nearest stream." She tells him.

    They all might be searching for something, things as menial as water and grass. Even though she is an Immortal, Aela still needs sustenance. But she is searching for something more, as well. The jagged edges of her powers, the raw limits of her Magic. She imagines this world more than it currently is, overfilling with those nameless faces who aspire to nothing but obscurity.

    She glances sidelong to the stallion with thunder in his voice. Aela looks up at him from beneath her lashes, wondering what it was he was searching for - Another fight? Another battle? A war? - and her blue eyes spark impishly at the thought. "I'll answer a few of yours if you'll answer a few of mine."

    They doused your soul in water,
    but the flames raged higher.
    And they called you devil's daughter,
    such a pretty liar.


    Messages In This Thread
    I ran, I ran so far away - by Cassiell - 08-28-2021, 12:52 PM
    RE: I ran, I ran so far away - by Aela - 08-28-2021, 08:54 PM
    RE: I ran, I ran so far away - by Cassiell - 08-28-2021, 10:39 PM
    RE: I ran, I ran so far away - by Aela - 08-29-2021, 11:54 AM
    RE: I ran, I ran so far away - by Cassiell - 08-29-2021, 01:25 PM
    RE: I ran, I ran so far away - by Aela - 08-29-2021, 02:40 PM
    RE: I ran, I ran so far away - by Cassiell - 08-30-2021, 10:43 PM
    RE: I ran, I ran so far away - by Aela - 09-06-2021, 03:50 PM

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