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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  you've got fire up and down your cheeks; Aela


    The way that the unicorn curves a stream of lava behind Islay and Aela makes the painted mare tense. Her nerves tighten in between her blue shoulders and she watches as the Tephran twines it in the air, cooling it enough that it slams to the ground with an audible thud. She stares at the larger horse, threading her shadows out and contemplating what might happen if they were to press against the furious light of his magma powers.

    Perhaps she could keep his lava and Aela's flames in check.

    'That's what she is,' Islay says, turning her anger back on her captor. Her shadows emerge then, blanketing them in darkness for a moment before Aela presses terror into the Chieftain. Her blue eyes blaze and more fires erupt all around them. Her vision flashes red, reminding the Empath that much more of this and there will be no Magic to get her latest recruit back to the Pampas.

    "Did nobody teach you manners?" Aela asks him, though there is a warning in her gaze as it glances back to Islay. Another attempt like that, it implies, and the palomino will do much worse than summon flames.

    Her newest companion - Erupt - hadn't seemed to mind her veiled threats to Islay earlier, but she continues to watch the horned stallion. Something might change his mind; sometimes a brute can't help but play the white knight to some poor damsel like Islay. "You can call me what you like," she coyly replies to him. If her powers weren't so drained, Aela might have tried seeing what a little lust might have done but her lovely head tilts impishly, hoping her mischevious expression will suffice.

    Aela doesn't bother to hide that his title of thief suits her rather well.

    "We're on our way to the Brilliant Pampas," she tells him, while Islay jerks her head back in the direction of Islandres. "And my friend could use some persuasion." Aela glances down to the cooling lava that he had manipulated earlier. A rather delightful trait, the Fire Summoner thinks. Her blue eyes spark at the thought as they look back to Erupt. "Perhaps you might join us?"


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    RE: you've got fire up and down your cheeks; Aela - by Aela - 08-28-2021, 07:55 PM

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