"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
“Ischia.” She’d told Garbage with a smile, and then the two of them had set out. It wasn’t too difficult for Agetta to keep up a companionable amount of conversation - centred mostly on Beyza and the strange but talented triplet granddaughters that Agetta was fond of visiting.
Beyza could sense her mother’s arrival and waited where the sandbar path connected Ischia to the mainland. The islands had become quiet but this suited her. Soon her daughters would be old enough to venture out, create lives and mistakes of their own. Perhaps she would follow, or perhaps she had rooted herself here in the soft sand and would be content to no longer play a part in how the world was shaped. Her magic would continue to be used for idle entertainment instead of life and death.
But today will not be an idle or entertaining day, it would seem. It is a shock to see the figure next to Agetta when they arrive in the late afternoon. Although Beyza had not met Garbage, from her venture into the white mare’s mind she knew him. Knew that the loss of him had been the final stone that shattered Agetta’s heart that had been fracturing for a century.
What was it that he had told her - you are nothing to me?
And now they arrive together, Agetta friendly and smiling. Of course, she would be helping him, even without the memories of their life together. Agetta would probably help each and every one of the men that Beyza had cut from her mind if they had shown up, blissfully unaware of the damage they had caused her that she assumed was her own shortcomings and not theirs.
It takes only a short time to get Beyza caught up to speed and the magician spends those moments trying to sort out which was the better option. To refuse and allow Garbage and Agetta to live in relative peace, troubled by their lack of memories but without the weight of their lives. Or to knock over the first stone that would surely start a landslide.
If she refused, would they still find a way back to each other anyway? Caught in each other's gravitational pull without even knowing it.
Agetta stands next to Garbage on the sunlit beach, offering him an encouraging smile while Beyza asks quietly “Are you sure?”