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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  I hate you because I think of you
    It was here, that inevitable hour of conclusions. Cheri sensed it as much as she knew it to be true: that all things must resolve themselves in order for new things to begin, but this one felt especially hard to let go of. She told herself it was because of the undercurrent feeling she was getting, that Obscene hadn’t really decided on her measure of sincerity regarding their new (tenative) truce. It certainly wasn’t because she considered herself in any sort of danger concerning her feelings toward him, no. Not that at all.

    Instead she tried to tell herself that it was lingering fear. More specifically, the lingering fear of their next meeting reverting back to how they’d been before. Cheri would absolutely loathe that outcome if it were the case, and the only way she knew for sure to prevent it from coming was by keeping Obscene here. And like always, that was the exact opposite move the Pampas Prince wanted to make.

    “See you there.” She told him, powerless to prevent the inevitable any longer. He’d only been half-engaged at this point anyways. Curiously, Cheri wondered alternatively about what ‘things’ he’d be doing in his spare time, but quickly abandoned the thought when she realized he’d paused before heading off into the night. “Not like his usual calling card.” She remembered, smiling inwardly at herself.

    When things got boring, that was typically Obscene’s cue to exit stage left.

    This time though, he seemed to have one last trick in his arsenal for Cheri. Taken by the remark, the lovely creature gently glowing in the dark replied, “you haven’t.”

    She would’ve liked to see him try.

    By choice, she sprung into a trot instead and flared her wings, taking to the sky in the measure of a few, meager flaps. They’d see each other again soon enough; Cheri just had to trust things wouldn’t go to hell before then.


    Messages In This Thread
    I hate you because I think of you - by Obscene - 07-28-2021, 08:48 PM
    RE: I hate you because I think of you - by Cheri - 08-02-2021, 04:46 PM
    RE: I hate you because I think of you - by Cheri - 08-02-2021, 06:04 PM
    RE: I hate you because I think of you - by Cheri - 08-03-2021, 10:59 AM
    RE: I hate you because I think of you - by Cheri - 08-03-2021, 12:51 PM
    RE: I hate you because I think of you - by Cheri - 08-09-2021, 05:43 PM
    RE: I hate you because I think of you - by Cheri - 08-10-2021, 11:20 AM
    RE: I hate you because I think of you - by Cheri - 08-10-2021, 01:08 PM
    RE: I hate you because I think of you - by Cheri - 08-10-2021, 02:15 PM
    RE: I hate you because I think of you - by Cheri - 08-10-2021, 05:05 PM
    RE: I hate you because I think of you - by Cheri - 08-10-2021, 07:38 PM
    RE: I hate you because I think of you - by Cheri - 08-13-2021, 09:33 PM
    RE: I hate you because I think of you - by Cheri - 08-17-2021, 02:35 PM

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