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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    this will never end, ‘cause i want more, more, give me more
    They returned with news that the Falls’ waters worked, but that there was some sort of problem with the birth. Lagertha took it with a grave face and requested that she stay updated on everyone’s conditions. Beyond that, she could do nothing - she cannot heal, and does not have the mental abilities needed to look for a lost child. She cannot fix what is going wrong, and so she does not try, instead throwing herself back into the kingdom and observing its members. Some decisions were obvious, some not so much. It took a little bit of time and a serious conversation with her Lady to mull it all over. And when she is sure that she’s making the right decisions, she calls the sisters together.

    Lagertha still wears the waterbuck horns that marked her as the General - she will address that later, but for now, the iron gray is easily spotted in the clearing at the base of a large Kapok tree. They are her own sort of Amazonian headdress that she will eventually need to give away, just like she gave away her wings. You cannot be an army of one, the fairy had said, and Lagertha is doing her best to remember that by planning to surround herself with smart advisors and strong leaders. If anyone could produce strong leaders, it was the Jungle.

    The new Khaleesi is calm and relaxed as she waits for the them to arrive; hopefully it won’t take long, as they should be expecting a kingdom meeting soon after their return. But there are those sisters who live deep in the dark depths of the jungle, who may still be unaware of the recent changes. And so she waits, beckoning Rhy to stand at her side while they assemble. Her dark eyes scan over those to answer the call, greeting each with a simple nod and their name, if she knows them. Lagertha even eventually sees the flashing golden eyes of the Jungle spirit, before the sleek, black cat shows its slinky self. The corner of her lips turn up in a small smile - it is a good omen.

    Finally, she can begin. “Alright, let’s keep this short and sweet, shall we? For those of you who do not know, Scorch fell ill and stepped down, naming me as her replacement. If you object to this, you may speak to me later about your concerns without fear of repercussions.” Lagertha is fully aware that she isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, and with the changes that she wants to make, there will undoubtedly be some who will protest. With only a brief pause for anyone bold enough to say anything out loud (once, that had been her. She would welcome another with a loud enough mouth to say anything, honestly, and the challenge they would face). And then she continues. “First things first, we will no longer have brothers. Any stallions who wish to stay in the Jungle are welcome to, but they will be designated residents, and without any voting rights, though they will be expected to defend us, should an attack ever come. So if manservants are your thing, go for it.”

    Lagertha, herself, has never had a real lover. But a manservant… now that might be the way to go…

    “Promotions. Rhy will be my Erinak, though I’m sure that is no surprise to anyone. Lyris is receiving a promotion to Lajaki, for her challenges and steals. We need a new General and another member of the Air Force, so if you think you’d like some wings, speak up. I will be watching activity, and I promise that f you make the effort, it will not go unrewarded. Also, if you’re looking to mock, I’m always around.” Lagertha does not ask anyone to do anything that she, herself, has not done. Lagertha then looks to the gold and white mare beside her, saying, “All our alliances are re-set at this point, until otherwise noted. I am not looking to be friends with everyone, and to tell the truth, I would love to be able to raid some point soon. Rhy, I’ll let you handle the diplomats and I will tag along wherever needed… “ She chuckles, because like they said earlier, she hates pretty words and extended negotiations. It should be wham, bam, thank you ma’am. In and out. “Oh, and Prague and Tantalize, please see me after the meeting” She finds the two of them in the crowd and nods to each of them, respectively. They had other important matters to discuss.

    ”We need to make ourselves a powerful kingdom again. You’ve heard it all before, but I ask you to recruit, challenge, and steal. Step on toes, as long as it’s within reason, ruffle some feathers! Remind Beqanna who we are!” From behind Lagertha, the jaguar screams its assent. They would face whatever came, and they would survive, and they would conquer, as long as they stuck together. After her attempt to steal the Chamber’s Lord and head diplomat, and then Joscelin’s successful steal, the Chamber is bound to be a little agitated. But that’s the name of the game, isn’t it? The Sisterhood is strong, and Lagertha aims to make it even stronger, but the only way to do so is by flexing their muscles.

    “And one final thing - If you haven’t taken an oath to the Sisterhood and want to do so, step forward, and be welcome.”  

    carnage x grim reaper; amazonian khaleesi

    [I've redone the ranks a little bit, so check them out, please. Also, remember you can play the jungle spirit for your characters as well. If you have any questions, speak up IC or shoot me a PM Smile Also if you have plot ideas... let me know! ]

    Messages In This Thread
    KINGDOM MEETING - ALL - by Lagertha - 09-13-2015, 02:43 PM
    RE: KINGDOM MEETING - ALL - by Joscelin - 09-13-2015, 10:32 PM
    RE: KINGDOM MEETING - ALL - by Tantalize - 09-13-2015, 11:19 PM
    RE: KINGDOM MEETING - ALL - by Rhy - 09-14-2015, 09:58 AM
    RE: KINGDOM MEETING - ALL - by Aoi - 09-14-2015, 12:33 PM
    RE: KINGDOM MEETING - ALL - by Lyris - 09-15-2015, 02:01 PM
    RE: KINGDOM MEETING - ALL - by Tessla - 09-15-2015, 02:31 PM
    RE: KINGDOM MEETING - ALL - by Sunday - 09-19-2015, 06:05 PM
    RE: KINGDOM MEETING - ALL - by Sarkis - 09-20-2015, 08:56 AM
    RE: KINGDOM MEETING - ALL - by prague - 09-20-2015, 10:19 AM
    RE: KINGDOM MEETING - ALL - by Lagertha - 09-24-2015, 10:35 AM
    RE: KINGDOM MEETING - ALL - by Joscelin - 09-24-2015, 11:04 AM
    RE: KINGDOM MEETING - ALL - by Rhy - 09-24-2015, 12:28 PM
    RE: KINGDOM MEETING - ALL - by Tinsel - 09-24-2015, 12:30 PM
    RE: KINGDOM MEETING - ALL - by prague - 09-24-2015, 12:40 PM
    RE: KINGDOM MEETING - ALL - by Lagertha - 09-24-2015, 12:56 PM

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