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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  we've all got spells for days

    With the return of the sun, Avocet and Huglava had returned to resuming their quest.

    The bay stallion was on the hunt for a God - a dark entity that had manipulated his sister (though Avocet never learned that Manikin had been manipulating him in return; that she had taken all the memories of when she had poked and prodded and tried to hunt him and made the spotted stud think that it had been their mother - Popinjay - the entire time. Changing his memories - sending Avocet on a quest to find a God named Carnage - is just another of her games.)

    Huglava, though, didn't desire to find a God.

    With the return of the sun, the warrior-frog was longing to return to Tephra. The thought of finding a nice quiet pond and settling down had been on his mind lately, and sometimes, Huglava even imagined what it would be like to raise a few thousand tadpoles of his own and regale them of stories about the Great Amphibian. The knight sighed, knowing that his companion wouldn't rest until they had word of Popinjay or Carnage.

    The problem with both was there were plenty of words and none of them seemed to bring them any closer to finding either.

    Perhaps we might rest, Huglava suggested to his bonded. The bay horse snorted. We rested the day before. Avocet retorted down their connection. The frog fought the urge to roll his eyes. Yes, well the thing about sleeping is that you're supposed to do it regularly. The spotted stallion threw up his head in agitation but Avocet knew that Huglava was right. They had slept for a few hours the day before but then he had been eager to resume their hunt. It had gone long through the night and past the dawn. And now it was well past midday, as Huglava had reminded him almost constantly.

    Grunting, Avocet looked around the Meadow. Something to drink before bed would be nice, Huglava chimed in.

    They were an unusual pair but Avo strutted through the long summer grasses as if a frog riding on a horse's flank was normal. He glanced around the few faces gathered here, and settled on one that seemed different from the rest. Perhaps not open, but not unkind either. "Excuse me," he asked the winged man, eyeing his wings briefly. If he had flown here, he might have seen a small stream or creek. "Do you know where we might find some water?"



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    we've all got spells for days - by avocet - 08-08-2021, 05:25 PM

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