Teal meets brown…
His heart flutters when their eyes make contact, steady, but he can feel the thread-like fragility – is she going to run? The question ripples quietly through his mind, and so he does not rise to his feet, just sitting up like a hound in the dappled sunlight. He stays put, there by the flowing river, golden sunshine coming through in patches over his black and white coat. He whickers, a low rumble, that prominent snout held upright.
My name? he repeats the question to himself. It’s a bit surprising, the calm boldness she’s got. First, he thought she might flee like a deer, and now she asks so softly and surely for his name. He smiles, it isn’t the typical mischievous or maniacal, but warm. He takes in a deep clarifying breath and speaks up over the tumbling water; “Chem.” his voice is clear and deep, but not particularly loud.
Irisaen comes slithering around by his tail, across the moss and over his kicked-out leg by his side. She slithers to move up his shoulder and rest across his back like she might a sturdy branch, flicking her black tongue at the mare’s smell wafting near.
to the window, to the wall
to the window, to the wall
sorry you waited a millennia for this ♥ @Minah