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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  It's been awhile since I first saw you

    Aela's blue eyes narrow almost imperceptibly but she still manages a slight smile. She's had practice, after all. Aela - who has never claimed to be good at politics - has held conversations with Obscene and Reave concerning ruling and what they could do with the positions they held in Beqanna. She has gone with the Pampas Prince on a similar trip to Loess and that had been part of the reason why she had agreed to come along on this one.

    Even if she had no particular care for Sylva and a distrust for their now-maroon leader, there was the chance to observe Obscene. (Aela never misses a chance to learn anything. And besides, the information she gathered here might eventually prove useful. She was not like her fabled granddam or half-brother that had the ability to simply see what they wished. The palomino repeatedly threw herself into the heart of issues solely for this reason. It was hard for Aela to trust anybody and to accept a recollection seemed risky. Even a memory could be glamoured by the haze of an emotion.)

    Her more than pretty face glances down to the spear and then lifts with a bright expression, one that feeds into Obscene's irritation as he stamps a hoof.

    "I've always been careful of where I step," Aela replies demurely back, as if the woman with a spear jutting out of her chest hadn't been.

    Obscene might very well excuse from the conversation for it, she knew. But her temper ignited in the depths of her blue eyes and flickered there for a moment as she looked to Sabra and then back to her companion. She casts her glance on him and then decides to let him take the lead on the rest of the conversation. Nothing good could come from her fiery nature - not now, not when they were so close to a mare who always seemed on the edge of spiteful fury. On a rage that could prove to be lethal if she was provoked enough.

    So she listens as Obscene inquires to why this mysterious woman - Sabra  - lingered in these woods. He mentions Oceane and Aela could scoff at the mention of peace and calm. What had peace and calm done for anyone but make them insufferably dull?

    It's the shift in the stallion next to her that she feels first, before his reluctance floods her. Aela - who has been bold towards every step of this goal of bringing chaos to Beqanna - hesitates and her stance stiffens. Her head lifts and she watches as the Prince reaches to touch Sabra, to murmur about what two rulers might do to keep things from getting boring. The way he whispers to Sabra seems to imply something (even if his emotions suggest differently) and Aela can't help herself from looking toward the crafty Sylvan, wondering how she might respond, wondering as Aela always does: if this might be something they can use.

    @Sabra she is the worst and i am sorry


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    RE: It's been awhile since I first saw you - by Aela - 07-14-2021, 03:54 PM

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