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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    you're a bolt of lightning in the sky now; Obscene
    I can see through you, see your true colors
    Cause inside you're ugly, you're ugly like me
    The Wisp eventually moves back to hover over his backside, momentarily cured of its curiosity, as his red gaze lifts to the swooping eagle above him. Interesting option of a companion, he thinks. He wonders what the significance is in such a choice. His eyes lower towards the critical gaze and holds it, simply giving him that smug nonchalant smirk in return. Within him though he is wary. Wary of Aela’s brother who apparently had some sort of omnipotent powers that she had never gone into direct details of and he hadn’t thought to ask. Perhaps he should have but there is no use in crying over spilt nectar now.

    Reave is confused on why he purposely puts himself into a self-induced fog and Obscene would have no answers to give him. It has something to do with a long burning rage and self loathing, something to do with smothering feelings he has no desire to feel, something to do with the serpent that slithers just beneath his onyx skin. So many somethings but no definitive answer between them. And as his powers mostly lay in being snarky, healing (strange how that was something he ended up expressing), and shifting into a beast he can’t control… He doesn’t see the point in laying off his indulgences anytime soon.

    Obscene merely shrugs when the other suggests that he had come for other reasons and when he does speak aloud the truth of his appearance, he simply returns that devilish grin with a roguish one of his own. “I haven’t the faintest idea.” He responds smoothly enough and the words are easy to say in their ignorant truth. He has never understood why Aela and Wherewolf had eventually agreed to come here. What they had seen in him. When Reave speaks of plural relations he assumes that he speaks of those two, unaware of the blood ties he shares with Cheri.

    Does his uncertainty make him safer from the power that Nerine’s Guardian wields? For Reave isn’t wrong, he is drifting. A twig caught in a current with no idea of where he’s going and no desire to know. In the end would that be his downfall or what saves him from a crueler fate? He finds he doesn’t care either way and never has. Not when there are so many pleasures in this world to indulge in and he no longer worries about the confines of mortality. But it goes deeper than that if he was honest with himself.

    It’s hard to find something to believe in when nobody has ever believed in you. He is a truth teller in a world of beings capable of lying. How can you ever trust anyone when they could always be a lie? So whatever these relations see in him he still refuses to see. Because what if that was just another lie too?

    The Pampas Prince regards his new companion quietly for a moment before he finally decides to get to the point of what he feels might be the actual reason for this visit. “So what is it that you plan on manipulating me with? Aela’s already shown me thousands of images, I can’t imagine there’s anything left to see.” He imagines Reave’s power lays in some sort of manipulation similar to his sisters and that perhaps Reave has come to imprint some more “ambition” into him on Aela’s request. It annoys him that at times she treats him like a puppy that needs to be trained and yet it's still hard to resist her when he's wrapped around her golden finger.


    [Image: Obscene-Pixel.png]

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    RE: you're a bolt of lightning in the sky now; Obscene - by Obscene - 06-29-2021, 03:06 PM

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