06-27-2021, 10:43 PM

These things they will never be
I'm so used to being wrong
So put me where I belongA shake of her head, that faint smile on her lips. “No. Your life is there but mine is here.” There is fear to emerge back into the living world, fear to face the consequences of her actions, fear to face her guilt. And there is pain (so much pain) because it’s already too hard living in this world without him. How can she pretend to enjoy life when every second is spent aching with her grief for him, every minute taken up by the constant shredding rhythm of this heart that refuses to quit beating.
How can she face their son?
It is better to fade away from memory until her bones become part of the place she had always loved. However she doesn't forget the name of this place where her daughter calls home, storing it away more out of habit then any intention of using such information.
She hesitates for a moment before adding more gently. “But you know where to find me. If you should need me.” She begins to fade back into the vines, dappled spots of white, gold, and black catching in the few glints of sunlight that manage to slip through the thick canopy above. “You should know…” She pauses, hesitates again. “There's another one of you now. A boy. But I don't know where he is.” The only colt she had ever birthed. Even that is too much, thinking of the first time he had opened those bright red eyes to her. The eyes of his father. Her throat constricts with words unsaid, as unshed tears sting the corner of her eyes. Tears that will never fall, cheeks that will remain dry.
With a finally look at her daughter she ruffles her wings again and then she is gone, slipping back into the darkness from whence she had come.