There's a song in your lung and a dream in your eye.
She had seen her briefly when leaving the jungle. She had noted her because of her odd coloring, but beyond that, she had given the filly little thought. She had bound off in another direction, intent on chasing something or other. Joscelin had headed towards the meadow. The trees and vines littering her home are not particularly conducive towards flying, and this morning she had really just wanted to feel the wind against her skin. She had leapt into the sky, taking a rather long and circuitous route to her destination. But eventually she had arrived, landing lightly on a grassy knoll.
She isn’t entirely certain why she is here. Boredom, most likely. She wonders briefly if there might be anyone interesting around. Something to relieve the tedium of the day. She isn’t paying any particular attention when the little filly stumbles across her. Golden gaze settling upon the dual-toned girl, she recognizes her immediately from the brief sighting she had caught of her before.
She is bubbly and outgoing, no doubt intent upon getting herself in trouble. Joscelin had been much the same when she had been young. She clearly recalls her first trip to the meadow. Apparently felling a rather large oak had been cause for concern (or at the very least, interest). She had garnered something of a crowd. Her brother had also tagged along without her knowing, always the protective and level-headed one. She had probably taken ten years off his life when that tree had nearly fallen on top of her.
But then life had happened. Things had changed as they always do. She had grown and made foolish decisions. And now she knows many things about life that she could never have imagined on that long ago day. Her body, once perfectly unmarked and lovely, is now covered in hundreds of cracks, carving stories into every inch of her flesh. Her skin had been quiet, mostly dark except for the occasional flicker, until the girl comes up to her. The cracks come alive then, bright sparks of light flitting along those dark fissures.
Her metallic eyes are steady, quietly assessing the filly (Annihilate, as she had announced herself). After a moment, she speaks, answering her question.
”Joscelin.” Pause. "You’re from the Jungle, aren’t you?"
Tiphon x Elysteria