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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    she slept with wolves without fear; demian, any

    It’s becoming a fucking party. He’s not a fan. The shadows swirl around him slightly, covering more of his coat. He’d go back to hiding in them if it wouldn’t mean that Noah would come back, lingering in the corner of his vision. He misses Noah. That’s the problem with everyone else. They aren’t Noah. They don’t walk in perfect, contented silence with him. They can’t say everything without ever saying a word.

    They certainly wouldn’t fight for Rhonan. Wouldn’t die for Rhonan. Not that he had deserved either. But Noah hadn’t cared. He simply did it.

    He still wasn’t sure this current life of his mattered. He wasn’t sure that it wouldn’t just crumble beneath his feet. Had the demon really sent him home? Or was this another dream, another life, another whatever all that hell had been? He was also afraid to get too involved with anything. It would just be ripped out from beneath his feet anyway.

    The one filly called herself Thorrun, and he has absolutely no idea that they share a father. Rhonan doesn’t look like Covet, except the orange ring in his otherwise brown eyes. Though they share the same skills when it comes to social graces. Rhonan is slightly less awkward than he was as a child, but still, he’s never been big on words.

    Demian, on the other hand, speaking from somewhere to the side of the group, is quite the diplomat. It suits a king, which Rhonan only just finds out at this introduction. It changes nothing. Rhonan isn’t going to start bowing or any such nonsense.

    Rhonan, for his part, has barely registered the way Rhynn looks at him. With some level of interest and annoyance. Even if he had figured this out, he would be mostly confused. Not at the annoyance – everyone should hate him, he’s destroyed everything he’s ever touched – but at there being any level of interest in him. There’s was nothing interesting about him.

    Actually, there was nothing interesting about this entire meeting. He’d be far more interested if he knew Rhynn was like him, but he has no fucking clue, and this entire thing is becoming super awkward. Demian welcomes her to Valley and so do Thorrun. So what’s he supposed to do? Hey babe, lets go fuck.” The thought crosses his mind, only because he thinks that’s exactly what his twin would say. Tytos, so damn full of himself, and so damn sure of everything.

    Rhonan nods at Demian, and then finally, finally notices that the black girl has been paying a strange level of attention toward him. “What?” he finally asks, without any social grace at all. Good thing he’s not King.

    Terrible welcome crew.


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    RE: she slept with wolves without fear; demian, any - by Rhonan - 09-11-2015, 10:20 AM

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