Name: Pyry
Gender: male
Breed: Andalusian hybrid
Traits/defects: -
Color: white
Color Genetic Code (if known): unknown
Trait Genetic Code (if known): TEGteg [COMPANION ANIMAL][SUNSHINE WINGS][peace induction][ethereal appearance][self healing]
Name: Nilam
Gender: female
Breed: hybrid
Traits/defects: equus kelpus, immortality, (temporal manipulation)
Color: smoky sapphire grulla w/ gold points
Color Genetic Code (if known): Ee/aa/nCr/Dd
Trait Genetic Code (if known): tegteg [EQUUS KELPUS][IMMORTALITY][TEMPORAL MANIPULATION*][wings][kelpie mimicry][bone spikes]
List of name choices: would like a boy named Kalyan please! Something gold would be cool, but otherwise, go wild with stats
- idk if companion animal is still a thing, but if it passes and gets expressed, it could maybe mutate to something like zoolingualism or fish friend or related? (Haven’t checked trait spaces).
Twin names just in case:
boy: Tuan
girl: Eileen
Player: Vanilla Custard
Name: Pyry
Gender: male
Breed: Andalusian hybrid
Traits/defects: -
Color: white
Color Genetic Code (if known): unknown
Trait Genetic Code (if known): TEGteg [COMPANION ANIMAL][SUNSHINE WINGS][peace induction][ethereal appearance][self healing]
Name: Nilam
Gender: female
Breed: hybrid
Traits/defects: equus kelpus, immortality, (temporal manipulation)
Color: smoky sapphire grulla w/ gold points
Color Genetic Code (if known): Ee/aa/nCr/Dd
Trait Genetic Code (if known): tegteg [EQUUS KELPUS][IMMORTALITY][TEMPORAL MANIPULATION*][wings][kelpie mimicry][bone spikes]
List of name choices: would like a boy named Kalyan please! Something gold would be cool, but otherwise, go wild with stats
- idk if companion animal is still a thing, but if it passes and gets expressed, it could maybe mutate to something like zoolingualism or fish friend or related? (Haven’t checked trait spaces).
Twin names just in case:
boy: Tuan
girl: Eileen
Player: Vanilla Custard