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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  Good memories and fatal mistakes [Yanhua/Any]

    Yanhua had always considered himself receptive. He had an ability to see into a person’s past, but knew the parameters of a gift like The Echoes were often blurry and almost never exact. Time faded the majority of them, leaving whispers of experiences other horses had gone through long before he and his family had set hoof in these woods, (he called them ‘ghosts’ for lack of a better term) but he had been keen to school his young ones and those alike with the insistence that memories - unlike true sight - were fallible things.

    Driven by emotional states of being or cemented throughout time by the energy of some past event, memories were distinct to the user and not the beholder. One circumstance had the ability to be interpreted differently by every horse who saw the same thing, and no two creatures might end up giving the exact same account of what had happened. If Yanhua had his own teachings in mind at the present, he might’ve been more attuned to the fact that this gathering was being played out much the same way; only he doesn’t notice until Amarine shifts to look away from himself and Bardot.

    Happily, he’d watched the two interact as courteous mares might. From his place afar it seemed almost like a warm feeling spreading throughout his bones, hoping that Amarine and Bardot might become fast friends. In his limited span of thought Yanhua only considered that his bejeweled wife had probably been lonely here, left to her own devices and raising their foals while he spent his time building, planning, or protecting. Theirs was a partnership, one divided equally with another mare, but he had always just assumed this came easily to her.

    He is a stallion after all: as thick-headed as the horns that grew out from his skull.

    “Flower crowns aside, you didn’t miss much.” Yan chipped in on Bardot’s comment, softening the enthusiasm he’d initiated this conversation with. He strode back to where the two mares had decided to congregate and cast his eyes aside at the buckskin one, half-grinning before he passed her in favor of adjusting Amarine’s vibrant teal forelock with the careful movement of his mouth.

    “Taiga’s had quite the glow-up herself. All of us here seem to have put a little of ourselves into the place, and now she’s giving back what we put in.” He related his opinions with good humor, softly kissing the dark ridges of his mate’s forehead before lifting his head away from hers. The gallant twist of his neck displaced the glowing locks streaming gold down his neck, and they shivered with the movement from an unseen breeze. His tail, short and bobbed since birth, lifted playfully to tickle his lean, coppery backside. Yanhua flicked it nonchalantly, bobbing his head as he took a few strides toward the edge of the meadow again.

    “This place is too wonderful to keep hidden away, I think.” The stallion sighed almost to himself, but the tone of his voice could easily be heard if either of the two mares were listening. He turned a steady blue gaze back on them both, then nodded off to one direction where the woods seemed dark and thickly clustered. “If Ama has no objections, perhaps we could all take a short trip to the main pathway. We could show you the way to Tephra from there, Bardot.” He proposed.

    “There’s no rush though.” Yan smiled quickly, lest the purple-horned amazonian considered his offer a bit tasteless. “You could always save the journey itself for another time.”

    Image by Ani2ad

    @[Bardot] @[Amarine]

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    RE: Good memories and fatal mistakes [Yanhua/Any] - by Yanhua - 06-13-2021, 04:41 PM

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