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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    sometimes i wish we could be strangers; Phae Pony

    It always seems like someone is trying to pull Morgayne out of the clouds. Usually it's some do-gooder thinking that she's had an accident or had just tried to end herself. When her eyes snap open and her pupils focus she's prepared to make one of the usual responses that make any well-meaning savior uncomfortable enough to go away. 
    Instead her brain puts a name to the face, horns and glowing features.

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with her lovely teeth and they are of perfectly adequate size.

    "Draco." They aren't related, but she knows who he is. One of her brothers' siblings.  Not that the degrees of separation or relationships matter to her, to either of them. 

    Morgayne barely has time to be disgruntled or to notice that the stinking sack of fleas and muscle she is lying akimbo to is rousing before Draco strikes. He uses some ability, she isn't sure what, to make the thing practically writhe in terror. Hissing against a deep but receding ache the fanged girl rises and stares at the creature. How is it not dead? Disappointing.

    Do you want to kill it?

    "No." She replies, though she had wanted to, had tried to. Now the quivering, slavering monster does not even infuriate her with its weakness. Pity and boredom contort into a sneer upon her dark lips and Morgayne's bicolored eyes return to Draco. "Let it leave if you like, it is not the thing I wanted it to be." Blood stains her pretty pink side around a wound that is mending itself much more slowly now that she has been roused out of the dissociative state in which she best focuses her ability.

    The wild-eyed canid pisses on itself and Morgayne takes a prim step away from it with a dainty sniff that is quite at odds with her appearance and the recent events. Beginning to groom herself she allows Draco to decide about the warped hyena. He may decide to let it go or see if he can goad it to try and kill her again but Morgayne is too absent fear to be concerned. "It was you following me?" she asks, combing through her bloody hide.

    sometimes i wish
    we could be strangers

    @draco I am not Colby my phone posts are poo

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: sometimes i wish we could be strangers; Phae Pony - by Morgayne - 06-08-2021, 11:20 PM

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