i never knew daylight could be so violent.
Sidhra cannot help but flinch at the Anuya’s rather enthusiastic greeting. She pins her long, dark ears and sends her younger sister a seething look followed by a huff and a roll of her eerie silver-white eyes. She should hardly be surprised at Anuya’s antics at this point. They aren’t even deliberate they’re as much a part of her sister as the blood that runs in her veins.
“Anuya, have you ever known animals with smaller ears to have any difficulty hearing?” She asked, wondering for a moment if her sister had made it a habit to yell at all creatures with smaller ears. She didn’t recall anything as such ever happening, but honestly she wouldn’t put it past her sister. However, she is also pleased to hear that she has made some connections in this strange world that seem, well, interesting. Her first impressions of this place had been underwhelming, to say the very least. But perhaps she was wrong.
Anuya continued with her flowery descriptions of this place, and Sidhra was happy to listen. Sidhra was intrigued by the notion of a magic mountain, however. She was so close to reclaiming the full breadth of her magic, perhaps this mountain could help her in finding the missing piece. Though she, admittedly, was less enthused at the idea of Anuya having her telekinesis back. Anuya always found the most unconventional uses for her magic. It was part of why Anuya had never really fit in back in their homeland, and perhaps why she fit in so well in this place. This place that appeared, well, equally as unconventional.
She offers a small, sad, smile to her sister because she knows what Anuya is saying without actually saying. The sisters had always been able to communicate without actually having to speak - perhaps a side effect of Sidhra’s muteness. Anuya has developed some sort of affinity to this place - or an attachment at the very least. Sidhra knew that she’d been unfair in her unwillingness to even consider this place. Another sigh escapes her, more pained this time.
”You’re right. I’ve not even given this place a chance.” Though she speaks directly into her sister’s mind, her tone is decidedly somber. She hadn’t been fair, perhaps, in her judgment. She was so quick to assume that everyplace was immediately inferior to her homeland that she was unwilling to give anywhere else even a passing thought. But perhaps she had been hasty in her judgment. It certainly wouldn’t be the first time.
”Perhaps I should.”
