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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  Like the ocean's dancing with a storm, I'll dance with you; Web

    All of the voices inside of my mind will never be silenced

    She had never responded so viscerally to another in the entirety of her life, and that she does so now is both intoxicating and disarming. It tingles along her skin, warming her inside and out. And to know that he can read this in the curls of her emotions just as she can read his every wayward thought is strange. Freeing, in a way. They would have no secrets from one another.

    By that token, she knows that he too feels the same attraction. It is an entirely different sensation from the infatuation Olver had. One that causes the breath to catch in her throat even as a pleased shyness swells in her breast. In that moment, she could not have sent him away even if she wished to. And she most certainly does not wish to.

    He brushes aside her melancholy as easily as one would a stray cottonwood seed, the warmth of his expressive features and gentleness of his voice a balm she hadn’t known she needed. He eliminates the distance that remains between them, his lips pressing against that corner of hers. Her eyes flutter briefly closed.

    When he speaks again, the ocean green of her eyes rise to his, soft and entirely guileless in the depth of trust within them. A quiet smile slips across her mouth, the answer already written across her features. “I would very much like to learn how to rewrite the past,” she replies softly, her voice still faintly breathless. “And even if I cannot, a day in your company sounds like exactly the remedy I need.”

    She cannot know how flirtatious her words must sound, unpracticed in the world of attraction as she is. But even if she had, she might not have changed them. In this moment, where everything feels just the slightest bit surreal and dreamlike, she could almost imagine anything is possible. Could almost imagine herself seductress enough to entice a man she had only just met.

    So, with a smile hovering on the edges of lips, eyes wide and luminous as she peers at him, she steps closer. “I’m Persea.”

    until I can find a way to let go of what we left behind



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    RE: Like the ocean's dancing with a storm, I'll dance with you; Web - by Persea - 06-01-2021, 10:21 AM

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