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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    create a trait? want credit for it?
    I remembered more than I thought, but PLEASE reply below if you've created a trait and want it to be included in the trait database! please also let me know if anything on my list is wrong OR if I'm right but you don't want to be credited.


    Adamantium Bones - created by Calcifer
    Angel - created by Aeris & Venge
    Angel shifting - created by Colby
    Arcane Darkness Manipulation - created by Venge
    Archangel - created by Colby
    All the season entities - created by Venge
    Blessed/cursed wings - created by Calcifer
    Bodach - created by Jassal
    Boggart - created by Kyra & Squirt
    Bravery illusionism - created by Insane
    Crustacean mimicry - created by Ratty
    Cupid - created by Venge
    Darkness adaptation - created by Venge
    Death Magic - created by Savage
    Death Priestess - created by Cassi
    Deer mimicry - created by Savage
    Demon - created by Venge & Jassal
    Demon Magic - created by Laura
    Demon Morphing - created by Taz
    Density manipulation - created by Insane
    Diamond armor generation - created by Venge
    Disease manipulation - created by Venge
    Dragonice - created by Vanilla Custard
    Dream Entity - created by Phaetra
    Dream Manipulation - created by Venge
    Dryad shifting - created by Elle Belle
    Cosmic entity - created by Insane
    Crystal Magic - created by Calcifer
    Equus Arbor - created by Jenger
    Equus Astrea - created by Kiara
    Equus Auster - created by Savage
    Equus Draconis - created by Devin
    Equus Dryad - created by Savage
    Equus Fae - created by Squirt & Kiara
    Equus Hesperis - created by Savage
    Equus Hippogriff - created by Ratty
    Equus Lamia - created by Kiara
    Equus Lepidoptera - created by Kristin
    Equus Lumen - created by Leah
    Equus Luna - created by Squirt
    Equus Mutatio - created by Tinsel
    Equus Naias - created by Savage
    Equus Nephelae - created by Leah
    Equus Peritius - created by Insane
    Equus Plantae - created by Kahzie
    Equus Solaris - created by Squirt
    Equus Viperous - created by Jassal
    Gatsby Magic - created by Kyra
    Genie - created by Kahzie
    Glass - created by Laura
    Goat mimicry - created by Calcifer
    God Magic - created by Cassi
    Golden shield generation - created by Venge
    Hellhound - created by Rae
    Hope embodiment - created by Sid
    Ice Magic - created by Vanilla Custard
    Infrared vision - created by Colby
    Jewel-touched - created by Anodyne
    Jungle Magic - created by Machina
    Musical aura - created by Calcifer
    Necromancy - created by Shelbi
    Nereid shifting - created by Calcifer
    Night Entity - created by Jenger
    Ocean Entity - created by Bruja
    Plant Magic - created by Laura & Squirt
    Porcelain - created by Savage
    Possession - created by Rae
    Raven Magic - created by Kyra
    Reflective teleportation - created by Venge
    Resurrection - created by Insane
    Shadow Magic - created by Kiara
    Shadow creature - created by Venge
    Spinal mane - created by Calcifer
    Star Magic - created by Shelbi
    Storm Magic - created by Jenger
    Temporal manipulation - created by Devin
    Thunderbird shifting/mimicry - created by Bruja
    Trickster - created by Squirt
    Vampire mimicry - created by Helsinki
    Vision manipulation - created by Insane
    Wendigo - created by Squirt
    White fire manipulation - created by Kyra
    White Magic - created by Squirt
    Wound transferal - created by Venge
    Xenomorph - created by Squirt
    [Image: Leah.png]

    Messages In This Thread
    create a trait? want credit for it? - by Leah - 05-29-2021, 03:18 PM
    RE: create a trait? want credit for it? - by taz - 05-29-2021, 11:30 PM
    RE: create a trait? want credit for it? - by Leah - 05-30-2021, 01:22 PM
    RE: create a trait? want credit for it? - by Leah - 09-06-2021, 08:09 PM
    RE: create a trait? want credit for it? - by Lyr - 09-12-2021, 11:20 AM
    RE: create a trait? want credit for it? - by Leah - 09-12-2021, 12:17 PM

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