l i v i n i a
such is life, such is death.
While Livinia had not been upset when the darkness had descended upon Beqanna, she felt no remorse when the sun had come again. She had known it would, one day, and with the darkness had come the monsters and while they had never wanted her – why would they want something that wasn’t living – she knew they would always pose a threat to others she cared deeply for. She knew Beyza could hold her own against anything that went bump in the night, but from the moment she had known Beyza was pregnant she worried for her children. The darkness was not a place for children to thrive. If anyone knew this, it was Livinia.
She had, however, kept her distance from Beyza and Jamie – not wanting to compromise their happiness with her own interference. So when she feels Beyza’s magic brush against her mind – beckoning her to come – she responds immediately. However, she does wonder why the call comes from so far from Pangea. Immediately, the questions begin to bubble in her mind, but she says nothing. Instead, she allows the smoke to take her towards the West, with her new companion following along without issue. Mera had been her saving grace, of sorts. Livinia had always struggled in isolation, and finding Mera had been the part of herself she hadn’t known she was missing. The living, breathing part perhaps. Mera chided her for the subtle self depreciation and flew on ahead, enjoying the warm ocean breeze beneath her wings.
Mera spots Beyza first, sending the image back to her bonded. The flying fox soars deeper into the island before finding a suitable branch to rest, allowing Livinia her privacy as she materializes from the smoke as she reaches the beach. The grey mare moves to join Beyza immediately, but knows in her very bones that her brother is not here. And for that, she feels nothing but relief – and is ashamed of her self for this. She’s jealous of Jamie. Not for his power or what he is capable of – but because he was able to capture Beyza’s attention and affection where she wasn’t.
But seeing Beyza now brings a smile to the smoky mare’s lips. ”I’d say it’s an improvement. Not so bleak.” She moves closer to Beyza, brushing her shoulder gently with her own cold nose. I’ve missed you, it says. She turns her crimson eyes out across the wide expanse of ocean, the physical divide between the island and the mainland is…not subtle.
”Are you okay, Bey? Are the girls?” She asks, finally looking back to her friend – the concern evident in her voice. She knows something must have happened for Bey to bring the girls here, and she has her suspicions as to the cause…