i am the mace, the map, the fall and the high
Reave had seen all this coming. For some reason, as magic snapped and chaos reigned, he had become truly all knowing in a way he never dreamed possible. It’s delightful in many ways, but so boring in many others. What isn’t boring however, is the dragon/orb/energy/girl thing falling from the sky over Nerine.
At this point, Reave is not quite certain whether he’s actually now a god or if this is just a really dope dream, but whatever the case, a mere thought sends him tumbling right through space until he lands next to the woman who had just landed on his cliffs. He watches in fascination as she seems to flicker right in front of him, horse, human, bird, horse again. Whatever magic this is, it’s delightful. And for a moment, as he watches her with a thoughtful curiosity, he is Thinking Man.
And then he’s Reave again.
Or something that looks like Reave. It’s hard to tell at this point. When she finally stops and looks around, a clapping sound emanates from the air around them. “Bravo!” the red and white stallion shouts. “Encore!”
With a sly grin curling his lips, he moves closer, pure and intoxicating mischievousness emanating from him as idea after idea comes to him. Then he asks, in a way that suggests there is only one right answer (an answer he doesn’t even have to tell her, because he already did), “What do you say we try something new?”
@[Locheed] CHAOS WEEEEEEEK!! Obvs powerplay him if you want, he is down to clown