05-18-2021, 03:13 PM
It is not until they have passed over the western border of Beqanna, over the ocean that Beyza feels she’s gone far enough. There is enough land between them and Pangea, enough space between her and Jamie.
Her pale white eyes greedily take in the tropical island before looking back to her company, making sure they all make it across without incident. She had woven a raft of light and cloud so they could stand on it and float across the water in the early morning light. She smiles as she watches the girls eye the water as they pass - Maurtia telling the others with confidence that she sees some sea monsters and she wonders aloud whether there are any ghosts that haunt the ocean and if they’re slimier than land ghosts.
This is a good move, she thinks, though there’s some trepidation in her heart as well. She’s never lived anywhere other than Pangea before - that had been her home. She’d fought with those of that kingdom and shared so much of herself there.
But she wants her daughters to know more than the rough canyons, wants them to live in peace - where they aren’t just tools to be used. And as they all step onto warm white sand, Beyza thinks the fact that Ischia shares nothing in common with that distant land is a very attractive quality. The sound of tropical birds greets them and she encourages the triplets to stay nearby as her pale eyes scan for someone. She intends to live here, but it would be nice to speak with the leader and make it official - in case there are any obscure rules like whatever is going on in Hyaline these days.
Her pale white eyes greedily take in the tropical island before looking back to her company, making sure they all make it across without incident. She had woven a raft of light and cloud so they could stand on it and float across the water in the early morning light. She smiles as she watches the girls eye the water as they pass - Maurtia telling the others with confidence that she sees some sea monsters and she wonders aloud whether there are any ghosts that haunt the ocean and if they’re slimier than land ghosts.
This is a good move, she thinks, though there’s some trepidation in her heart as well. She’s never lived anywhere other than Pangea before - that had been her home. She’d fought with those of that kingdom and shared so much of herself there.
But she wants her daughters to know more than the rough canyons, wants them to live in peace - where they aren’t just tools to be used. And as they all step onto warm white sand, Beyza thinks the fact that Ischia shares nothing in common with that distant land is a very attractive quality. The sound of tropical birds greets them and she encourages the triplets to stay nearby as her pale eyes scan for someone. She intends to live here, but it would be nice to speak with the leader and make it official - in case there are any obscure rules like whatever is going on in Hyaline these days.
@[neuna] @[Decima] and any!! These ladies are here to move in