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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [challenge] this is going to break me clean in two | chemdog
    The black stallion keeps close, a tactic Gale that would applaud but the Curse grimaces at. While it’s only rational that the defender of the treasure would be a passable warrior, it is still frustrating to be held up - even by what it considers to be a quick scuffle.

    If Chemdog wants to die in the defense of his entity, then the Curse will grant him that.

    With no intention of hobbling itself for the sake of fairness, the Curse uses all of Gale’s abilities. The shifting and healing it has already revealed to its opponent, and the lion’s claws are dark with Chemdog’s blood. But there are other advantages to this host as well, such as the vision manipulation it wields now.

    Illusions require finesse, so in the interest of speed, the Curse instead attempts to take Chemdog’s sight entirely. It will leave him in blackness even darker than the eclipse if it is effective, a rapidly progressive sort of blindness.

    The concentration it takes to do this distracts the Curse for only a moment. Only a moment, but long enough that Chemdog’s quick front hooves are already battering down at it. A blow to its left shoulder, then one along the very edge of its jaw that shoves its head to the side. The injuries heal as soon as they are made, but the pain of them remains to aggravate the Curse, which lunges toward Chemdog a second time, this time with its front claws and sharp teeth reaching for his chest.

    Not a wise choice, but Curse is more concerned with inflicting damage on its opponent than itself. Chemdog will likely be able to land a few more kicks, but this body will heal, and this move is really only intended to segway into another.

    Whether or not it draws blood with its attack, the Curse shifts as soon as the momentum of its leap slows, and becomes a dragonfly.

    Not an especially violent shape (at least not to something so large as a horse) but it is a quick shape, and a shape that it has practiced countless times along the lakeshore in Hyaline. Quick enough to give it distance, distance that it needs to take the next shape.

    It almost hopes that Chemdog has managed to get at least a bit of his vision back. It would love to see the expression he wears at the sight of this shape.

    A large bull elephant, its skin a deep and iridescent navy, its tusks snowy white and more than long enough to run a horse through, now stands beside the silver cove. It stomps one large foot on the stony ground of the beach and swings its head back and forth, beckoning @[Chemdog] closer.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: this is going to break me clean in two | chemdog - by Gale - 05-18-2021, 06:49 AM

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