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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [challenge] this is going to break me clean in two | chemdog
    They’re locked in a waltz no longer than a half second before Chem feels the stallion’s form melt like molten silver, solid and yet moving like liquid somehow – and what do you know, a lion. Well, this day thoroughly sucks right already. Chem thought perhaps not employing his ghostly magics would be met with the same courtesy. No, no. Nay, nay. He groans again, fully inconvenienced, wrapped around a goddamn lion (which ends in the lion slipping out, and able to go at his belly, I think?). What’s more, when Chem bites, he finds nothing but mane hair. So, a total miss, pretty much, how fun. The smell of a lion triggers something a little deeper than a wrestling match, bringing with it a certain frenzied panic one only gets when it’s being…hunted, or, attacked to be eaten. What a party it is to be a prey animal – one who cannot shift into predator. Not going well so far.

    Chemdog was mistaken when he thought this may just be a quaint scuffle for a prize. Annoying, but not deadly. He finds himself in very close proximity, doing very little damage, with tender skin and having mightily a soft belly.

    While he’s upright still, so quick this cat is, he heads straight for the piebald’s underside. A natural reaction for any horse is to slash violently with his legs that already drawn up, he’s glad to feel the purchase of something, but it’s short lived. His opponent can heal himself. An ability Chem once had, morphed by the monsters into something different. Great. The lion’s claws first find his underbelly as intended, and leave long deep lacerations on each side. The cat flees from beneath Chem’s hooves before it can do much more to disembowel him, ducking away to his right and then circling back to attack his left side. Chem too, is quick, and makes sure to not let this cat maneuver to attack him broadside – never let a cat be able to pounce on your back, you’ll never dislodge it, and you’ll never survive what it can do from there. It’s something ingrained in his primal equine genetics. An instinct. He faces the threat, delivering strong, and sometimes double footed blows with his front end. No one wants their face caved in, even when they can heal it. If the cat comes in again, Chem tries his best to keep his hind away, and keep his front aligned so the lion can’t get him broadside either. In the chaotic scuffle, when the cat tries for his left side, he receives a few more gashes from those enormous kitty claws across his legs and chest. So far, his underbelly’s injuries are glistening pink from the open slashes, meat and fat exposed, starting to bleed down his black fur. The wounds across his front begin to bleed, some superficial and some with chunks of flesh dangling freely and his white patches veined with rivulets of bright red blood.

    Not going well, but at least he’s not eviscerated or bleeding out just yet.

    thank you for the extension sweets, and im sorry i made you wait! booo!
    anyway here is something haha

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: this is going to break me clean in two | chemdog - by Chemdog - 05-17-2021, 08:18 AM

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