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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    [open]  Time is just a remedy covered in disguise [Leilan/Any]


    She remembers the tales of the Tundra brotherhood but it had never been a place she had visited or felt inclined to explore. Before the Reckoning, her haunts consisted of her birthplace (the Dale) and the Meadow to star gaze and a brief curiosity with the jungle of the sisters. That had been a long time ago although her appearance and age says otherwise, the telltale signs of hard battles won scattered across her smokey coat the only indicator of the things she had seen. She doesn’t think such a place exists anymore, that it was just another lost story for the before times.

    For a moment all is quiet and then a pair of hounds suddenly appear and her swirling iris’s narrow as she draws more power, strengthening the shield of gas orbs and multicolored nebulas around her. Her fight overrides her flight, Ciri had been caught off guard one to many times (the ragged slash across her eye and cheek a story between her and the savage wolf shifter that had seized her unaware) and it is instinct now to be defend herself first and ask questions later. However, the hounds seem to evaporate into thin air the moment they reach her celestial shield, curling into smoke and vanishing. Before she can figure out what has happened, a large stallion approaches.

    Warily she eyes him as he comes closer, a spectacular display of monochrome, and although he gives a slight chuckle and speaks of a party, she is vigilant and unsure. And then the other appears. The first thing she notices (besides the way he seems to skip through time as she had once done) is the scales. Of course she can’t help but think of Amet and Castile and wonders if she had perhaps once again found herself in the presence of a dragon. Frost seems to cover his smooth scales and she unwillingly admits to herself that he is quite handsome, with the tattoos that swirl up his legs and the metallic hues of him that match her own swirling gaze. Well, she had always had a thing for dragons that seemed to pull at the ancient heart of her star.

    As Leilan introduces himself and Chemdog she slowly releases her shield, returning the vast swirling nebula back to the night sky that dances above them. Her own companion stars seem to glow brighter as they mix with the falling snow. “I guess I’m fashionably late.” She finally manages with a whisper of a smile on dark lips, addressing this party that she had been completely unaware of. “I’m Ciri.” She adds after a minute, considering the two hardy stallions before her. “I’m actually here on a matter of business, to offer my services to this kingdom. One might consider me a sell sword for lack of a better term and I’m looking for a more permanent position. If the Isle will have me that is.” She’s unaware that this is a land that caters to the opposite sex but it still won’t put her off. She can handle the cold and she can handle the crude humor that comes with a stallion nation. Ciri had never had an issue being one of the boys, finding herself much more comfortable in their presence despite her attraction to both sexes. Besides, it would be a nice change. Something completely different to what she had been as Hyaline’s Heart.

    all of time and space, everywhere and anywhere, every star that ever was

    @[Leilan] @[Chemdog] Hope you don't mind her crashing the bachelor pad  <3

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    RE: Time is just a remedy covered in disguise [Leilan/Any] - by Ciri - 05-13-2021, 03:26 PM

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