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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  I could take the whole world with me

    Some part of him is mindful that she had almost died during the Eclipse. Tarian wouldn't call himself the fiercest or the highest or the fleetest of flyers, but he has always considered himself competent; better than average. When he had taken off, the silver pegasus hadn't looked behind him and if he were honest -

    If he were honest, he had been slightly afraid to.

    What if he glanced back and she had simply scoffed? What if she had taken off but flown for those Common Lands that she had so proudly claimed affiliation to? She could, he knows. It is entirely her choice and it is her free will - how fierce she can look when deciding something - that he finds that he rather likes about her. She isn't rash or brazen in her choices and when daylight returns to Loess tomorrow, Tarian will think of how he'd like to talk to her about others things.

    About not dying, about not monsters but rather things like: what was Pangea like when she had lived there? Had she always disregarded borders and boundaries and wanted none of them? Was there something about the Common Lands that she enjoyed, that she didn't find in a kingdom?

    For now, though, Tarian turns to look behind him, and the scowl that greets him makes him smile in return. He hadn't taken off too quickly or flown too far because she is right there, as capable in the air as he is. The night air surrounding them is brimming with questions and the Loessian thinks that he might answer one.

    But his glinting eyes and the bright smile says: Wait.

    They spend some time in the air, as he glides towards the Loessian coast. The sound of waves can be heard when they land, a sort of nautical lullaby that invites those nearby into sleep. He's done it enough and when the weather is warmer, Tarian even enjoys a dip in the surf to keep his silver coat clean. But those aren't the things that he wants to show @[Altissima], who had surprised him by sneaking into Loess. This was a place he had found entirely by accident and now he intends to surprise her with it.

    Turning his head to look behind him, the gray stallion tries to whisper (which he is horrible at, Tarian has always spoken to be heard): "You have to keep quiet." His wings close against his sides and the Loessian motions to small, dim glowing dots that line the beach ahead of them like stars as he stops in between dune-grass. Not unlike the sparkling that takes place around Altissima. They are small turtles, recently hatched from nesting mounds as they make their way to the sea. An ear flicks behind him, "I was going to show the hot springs, but I wasn't sure if you could handle that level of enjoyment." Tarian murmurs as he watches the newborn Fluertles, "but I thought you might enjoy this more than Not Dying."

    And there it is again, that habit that seems to becoming common in her presence.

    Tarian looks back for her.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: I could take the whole world with me - by Tarian - 05-12-2021, 08:38 PM

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