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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    eyes like sinking ships; cheri (midsummer fair)

    The light that meets the dark

    Cheri doesn’t hesitate to follow. Targaryen left large, round indents in the snow and she placed her own hooves inside of them, looking down at the way the crescents engulfed her steps. It was easier to concentrate on walking rather than to concentrate on how freezing it was this far north. Her wings, made of light but not the heat from the sun, served only to protect her from the worst of the chilly weather and she pulled them as tightly as possible to her sides for any extra warmth they might provide.

    There seemed to be a large assortment of horses gathered. Some bands had been on the tundra side of the large island, others - like herself and Targaryen - were trekking through the snow towards the maze on the eastern side of the territory. There was joy here, that much was as clear as the laughter and shouts ringing out in the air. Cheri smiled at the commotion and breathed deeply, her limbs warming up after a little exercise.

    Brushing one of her wings against Targaryen’s, Cheri trotted up to his side and did her best to match his long, even strides. “So,” She eased her way into conversation as they passed through the entrance together, “I have some good news.”

    The time had come to tell Targaryen of her intent to leave Taiga for good. Cheri had held this secret close, debating about it with her father and talking it over with her mother until the timing seemed right. With a new season approaching and the light returned to Beqanna, Cheri couldn’t think of a better opportunity to begin that grand adventure she’d always dreamed of as a filly. “My parents approved my idea of moving out of Taiga, finally.” Cheri gushed, tilting her head up to better see Targaryen’s reaction. She’d shared her intentions with him once or twice before when they got to talking about the future, but never had it been so real as it was now. She was actually leaving. “Loess is going to be my first choice, and then Tephra if I’m declined.” She told him with a hopeful sigh, stopping herself right before she would’ve slammed into one of the glassy panes of ice.

    Cheri looked to their left and then to their right, unsure. She looked back at her stalwart companion and smiled, waiting for him to decide and take the lead.


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    RE: eyes like sinking ships; cheri (midsummer fair) - by Cheri - 05-11-2021, 09:30 AM

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