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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [challenge] this is going to break me clean in two | chemdog
    -- accept challenge --

    Chem had seen him earlier, rolling through, slithering by – infiltrating. Pretty rude. The Cove's new keeper did not honor him with an approach, instead, mocking him with silence. Petty, he knows, but he could smell something not right with the intruder. The owls didn’t call out much when the stallion broke through the border; suspicious. The land itself doesn’t seem to reject him, and it twists a sour, jealous taste in Chem’s mouth. He is an outsider, is he not? Perhaps this land ownership situation is not going to be as much fun as it used to be.

    His teal eyes roll and he walks down the hillside, grimacing a bit – he’s so lazy, you see, this is just an annoyance. He’s never had an overstock of hubris when it comes to fighting, though he’s done very well in the past, he’s also familiar with losing. He has learned to always focus on the process, not the result. Don’t think about it too hard, he reminds himself. He smacks his lips, like a lion about to let out a loud yawn, “Fine.” He groans.

    -- first attack --

    The pair are squared off, and this stallion came here for this moment exactly. A challenge given, a challenge accepted, an attacked launched. It happens smoothly, no verbal communication necessary, these two have a primal call to answer. He leans back, the muscles in his hid bunching like coils and his front legs rising in a swift motion upward. It’s sudden, but it’s certainly no surprise attack. Chem's first try at a blow is very simple, he brings himself up in a powerful rear, front limbs reaching out with as careful dexterity as an equine may have, in attempts to latch onto or curl his legs (or a leg) around anything of Gale’s from the neck up. Aw, he’s giving a little hug. Adorable. It’s unclear in the moment of kicked up dust, bellows, and adrenaline to know just how accurate his aim is to drape himself over the front of his opponent, but whatever the case, he unleashes hard bites to any ears he can find (or if he fails to find ears, maybe just a clump of mane, or a pinch to the head). It’s intended to be some brutal chomping at Gale’s ears, but he’s been in enough tussles to know you cannot control what lands and what does not. Ears are sensitive, Chem’s learned that the hard way. Bigger means slower usually, and smaller means they're quick like hot oil much of the time. His only known advantage so far is his mass, he guesses, and then the thing all plain equines have – flat, clenching teeth. So he employs those things and hopes for the best.

    (he doesn't use magic or anything, but i don't mind if magic is used <3 i'm a little rusty, i kept it brief and to the point)
    18hh hybrid
    soul summoning, immortality, glowing smoke
    no defects
    his build is sturdy baroque, i think of him as a beefier version friesian with PRE neck/head

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: this is going to break me clean in two | chemdog - by Chemdog - 05-10-2021, 09:08 AM

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